Lucky I got the only good driving genes in the family from my grandparents on my mom's side
I wonder if it skips a generation? Would my children be dumbass drivers? 
If true that means we all got if from the Chinese!
My chinese employees think you are SUPPOSED to back up until you hit something, otherwise you haven't backed far enough!
Great, one more thing people don't have to take responsability for.
10/29/09 11:44 a.m.
The last two paragraphs are interesting.
How long before insurance companies finance the development of a test that determines who has the "defective" genes?
The rate increases could make for a tidy ROI.
10/29/09 2:08 p.m.
then they could deny a claim if you have a wreck as it was caused by a preexisting condition
My father says about half the population has poor driving in their genes.