I love dogs. I love pitbulls. I own a pitbull. If that was mine, I would have put it down myself within 5 minutes. Something wrong with a dog who attacks a little kid like that, especially when there was no threat and it was not defending it's territory.
(And I am not saying it WAS a pitbull, but the media will. So for the record.)
Ian F
5/15/14 9:22 a.m.
I read in one report the dog has been quaranteed and after 10 days will be put down. Apparently, the dog got loose when the owner was leaving his house. Report said the dog's owner called 9-1-1.
One of my ex's cats is a large male that is the most lazy creature you could imagine - until it sees a dog. Then it goes ape and tries to kill it. One of our Volvo club members brough his dog to a get together at the house and was told, "don't bring the dog in the house - the cat really hates dogs". He misunderstood and brought it in anyway. Before I could react, the dog's nose was bleeding.
5/15/14 9:40 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
I love dogs. I love pitbulls. I own a pitbull. If that was mine, I would have put it down myself within 5 minutes. Something wrong with a dog who attacks a little kid like that, especially when there was no threat and it was not defending it's territory.
(And I am not saying it WAS a pitbull, but the media will. So for the record.)
I kinda thought it was myself, based on the shape of the head- but it seemed to be pretty small for a pitty, even as a puppy... so who knows. I loves me some pitties otherwise though, far more good interactions than bad, plus they're big meathead dogs and I like big meathead dogs.
When I was about 2 a similar thing happened to me. I was sitting in the front yard pulling up grass with our cat Sam (he was big maybe 20 lbs) while my dad was working on a car. Neighbors German shepherd got loose and dad looked up just in time to see the dog charging at me. Before he could even react Sam landed in the middle of the dog and quite literally turned him to hamburger. Dog ran off and Sam laid back down next to me.
Later the neighbor came over saying he was going to sue us for vet bill and the like cause his dog needed a crap ton of stitches. My dad pointed out how suing someone whose child was almost attacked by your dog and said dog was fended off by a cat alone maybe not the best position. Then he pointed out if it had been him that got to the dog before that cat did the guy would have a dead dog. He never did try and sue us. I had Sam for 12 years. Best cat I ever had.
5/15/14 10:28 a.m.
Cats are like ninjas. Don't say much. Can't tell if they like you. Have some weird honor system.
Dogs are like the friendly drunk guy. Most of the time they are lovable and hilarious, but sometimes they do some stuff that scares you.
5/15/14 1:40 p.m.
PHeller wrote:
Cats are like ninjas. Don't say much. Can't tell if they like you. Have some weird honor system.
Dogs are like the friendly drunk guy. Most of the time they are lovable and hilarious, but sometimes they do some stuff that scares you.
Okay, that is damn funny.
I've always said I wanted a cat big enough to keep the neighbor's kids in their own damn yard.
PHeller wrote:
Cats are like ninjas. Don't say much. Can't tell if they like you. Have some weird honor system.
Dogs are like the friendly drunk guy. Most of the time they are lovable and hilarious, but sometimes they do some stuff that scares you.
Spot on, and hilarious! Cats are definitely ninjas.
Growing up, we had a bunch of different cats and dogs over the years. I had a really cool cat at one point who was really cool, and was named Mittens (don't let the name fool you, he ruled) due to his triple paws. he was usually really chilled out. At the same time, we had a miniature toy poodle named Pierre. Pierre was a horny little PITA that would also bite me on command thanks to my sister's training.
One day, I was sitting watching TV, and I see a white blur arch over my line of sight. Pierre had been antagonizing Mittens, and Mittens grabbed him and donkey kick-launched him across the room through the air!!! My mother was right there and saw the whole thing. That was the last time Pierre tried to slip on the Mittens.
I've been training my cat to attack hipsters doing yoga in the park.
Cats are definitely Ninjas, but I don't know about this whole "you can't tell if they like you" business. If they haven't turned you into hamburger, then they like you "OK". If they come up to you and rub on you, like the yoga vid, then they like you "a lot". If they try to kill your ass while you're walking through the house by running in between your feet, that's love.