1988RedT2 wrote:
huge-O-chavez wrote:
Politics of fear and paranoia.
I assume you are speaking of the fear and paranoia among the recipients of entitlements who are opposing fiscal responsibility for fear that their money tree will lose its leaves?
But I am no lover of straight handouts.. It is our obligation to help people who genuinely need help and want it. It is not our obligation to just flat out support people who are lazy.
pstrbrc wrote:
huge-O-chavez wrote:
bla bla bla bla bla (anal expulsion of methane)
gotta do better than that..
mtn wrote:
Out of curiosity, how many of the posters here have degrees in Economics or have worked in the field?
I'm just wondering because I have a minor in Economics, about 3/4 of the way to a major (if I were on the 5 year college plan I'd have one) and I think that I know just enough to know not to post in this thread about it, because I don't know enough about it. I think a lot of the posters (not going to name names, but it is on both sides) are in the same boat.
This post seemed a little more shiny happy person-ish than needed. I think I've just been reading too many economics journals in the past few days.
Since you asked, I have a degree in economics.
huge-O-chavez wrote:
It is not our obligation to just flat out support people who are lazy.
I'm pretty sure that statement right there just found you out as a staunch conservative! 
There you have it people! Iggy is an elephant in ass's clothing!
Ian F
3/25/11 8:42 a.m.
Who was it that said, "If you are young and conservative, you have no heart. If you are old and liberal, you have no brain"?
But whoever said that the first time said it before the terms were bastardized. Now liberal and conservative as known in our society can almost be boiled down to one or two issues. Perhaps abortion?
Otto Maddox wrote:
But whoever said that the first time said it before the terms were bastardized. Now liberal and conservative as known in our society can almost be boiled down to one or two issues. Perhaps abortion?
I disagree. I could give a rat's butt about abortion (totally NOT a matter for government involvement) but I am a fiscal conservative.
In reply to 1988RedT2:
Well, I'd argue that being a fiscal conservative doesn't make you a political conservative. Come to think of it, George W. Bush was a political conservative who wasn't a fiscal conservative. The terms are starting to lose all meaning.
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to 1988RedT2:
Well, I'd argue that being a fiscal conservative doesn't make you a political conservative. Come to think of it, George W. Bush was a political conservative who wasn't a fiscal conservative. The terms are starting to lose all meaning.
How often can a single word accurately describe something so complex as personal political ideology? The terms have always been vague and used by some people to conveniently (and often inaccurately) label others.
1988RedT2 wrote:
I disagree. I could give a rat's butt about abortion (totally NOT a matter for government involvement) but I am a fiscal conservative.
That's his whole point though. Currently in US politics "fiscal conservative" and "conservative" aren't remotely related terms. Which you clearly understand, because you felt the need to clarify.
The current "conservatives" are anything but. The current "conservatives" fail on just about every measure of conservatism. Fiscally, socially, etc. But have glommed onto the word and made it worthless except as a marker of idiocy. And before anyone jumps on that, a similar, but slightly different claim can be made regarding the use of "liberal" in American politics.
Now they're just words so you can tell which blowhard on talk radio is which.
Here in Alabama, calling yourself a conservative reveals more about your social and religious leanings than anything to with politicals.
Ian F
3/25/11 10:02 a.m.
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to Ian F:
You did. At 8:42.
Right... I should have asked "Who originally said?"
I'm pretty sure it was before I was born...
But I agree... the terms have become bastardized... To me, it seems the Tea Party would be taken more seriously if they could stay more towards their "smaller govt" ideal and get away from being so far on the religious right. It's hypocritical to say, "The govt should be out of my life... except where it can force an agenda I agree with."
In a way, I understand where Iggy was coming from as far as debt. I now use debt in the same way: I will borrow cheaply (usually free) when it suites the situation. However, I also know that it took me more than a decade of financial pain with many mistakes to get to acheive this discipline.
It's also amusing to watch so many of you beat each over the heads while saying basically the same thing. Argueing more over how you're saying it. Sort of like Republican adn Democrats...
3/25/11 10:10 a.m.
keethrax wrote:
The current "conservatives" are anything but. The current "conservatives" fail on just about every measure of conservatism. Fiscally, socially, etc. But have glommed onto the word and made it worthless except as a marker of idiocy. And before anyone jumps on that, a similar, but slightly different claim can be made regarding the use of "liberal" in American politics.
Now they're just words so you can tell which blowhard on talk radio is which.
You should further explain how you reach these broad-brush conclusions. Or, are you just another blowhard?
Just askin.
In reply to Ian F:
Yeah, I took that lame old joke from a movie or something.
Ian F wrote:
Who was it that said, "If you are young and conservative, you have no heart. If you are old and liberal, you have no brain"?
Commonly attributed to Winston Churchill.
1988RedT2 wrote:
I disagree. I could give a rat's butt about abortion (totally NOT a matter for government involvement) but I am a fiscal conservative.
This right here is a conservative notion. As I said earlier in this thread, my political ideology is rightfully considered conservative in every way. It pains me to think about what the current political climate has bastardized that term to mean.
If you disagree with gay marriage and abortion, and want laws to establish them as illegal, then you are not a conservative.
flountown wrote:
1988RedT2 wrote:
I disagree. I could give a rat's butt about abortion (totally NOT a matter for government involvement) but I am a fiscal conservative.
This right here is a conservative notion. As I said earlier in this thread, my political ideology is rightfully considered conservative in every way. It pains me to think about what the current political climate has bastardized that term to mean.
If you disagree with gay marriage and abortion, and want laws to establish them as illegal, then you are not a conservative.
Disagree as far as abortion. Protecting the right to live is a highly conservative and libertarian concept. Why the rest of the folks feel that doesn't constitute life is the argument.
Ian F wrote:
It's also amusing to watch so many of you beat each over the heads while saying basically the same thing. Argueing more over how you're saying it. Sort of like Republican adn Democrats...
Actually You got a giant point. After, I got out of the giant trolling tizzie I had worked myself up into.. I started to come to the same point. There just some buzz words that when viewed, send those people off into a weird places.. I got them.. Everyone does..
1988RedT2 wrote:
huge-O-chavez wrote:
It is not our obligation to just flat out support people who are lazy.
I'm pretty sure that statement right there just found you out as a staunch conservative!
There you have it people! Iggy is an elephant in ass's clothing!
Or like most people; I am not compeltely one way nor the other.. Which is why I take such umbrage with the current teabagger principle of changing the political compass to suit an "Us vs them" view of the world.
Back on track. Portugal. Too many cuts and too much austerity? or not enough? Then how does this relate to us.
3/25/11 7:06 p.m.
huge-O-chavez wrote:
But, You have do have a gigantic point. I really have little desire in learning from others, not you, who only profess a philosophy that is motivated by fear and paranoia.
For a guy who doesn't know jack E36 M3 about me, you sure make some all-encompassing statements about me.
I keep wondering who this guy is you are talking about, because he doesn't begin to come close to my viewpoints.
But, of course, your presupposition base far exceeds my knowledge base, even if the subject is me.
Iggy, you are completely clueless.
SVreX wrote:
Iggy, you are completely clueless.
No Backpeddling, but that was not directed at you in the least.
It was directed at the latest batch of libretarian cronies who believe they cannot achieve in this world because they are constantly behind the 8 ball because someone is always out to screw them out of their "liberty"(read: money) or those who spend their time pretending that there is a protracted effort to undermine this country right into the ground.. I have no desire to learn from those folks; they are self defeating Sorry you thought it was directed at you.
A closed mind is like a closed book, just a block of wood