I find myself in need of one. I currently have a full set of dewalt power tools and a very nice Delta Scroll Saw. I was thinking of going with the Delta 14" band saw, and it is right in my budget of around $600 to $700.. I love the Delta Scroll saw, but I wanted to know if there was anything better I should be looking at?
What purpose? Resaw? Or just flat stock work? How much jaw height?
I love my old Jet 14". I bought it used about 15 years ago. I haven't researched the new ones, but I feel Delta quality has gone down in the past decade or so. If I were in the market right now, I'd look for a used Powermatic or professional style Delta or Jet.
I like the cast iron table, the enclosed base, and the ball bearing guides on my Jet. ![](http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q131/Kramercjk/DSCF0008.jpg)
I just looked at delta's website and see that they have finally changed the workhorse saw that they made for a century and i don't like it. The old cast frame unit was an amazing tool.
A classic delta 14" with a riser block would do anything I would ever ask of it. Upgrade to ball bearing guides if you want.
Dusterbd13 said:
What purpose? Resaw? Or just flat stock work? How much jaw height?
generally resaw work. I have a lot of long stock I need to make into thin strips for the "ceilings" of my boats.
Dad bought a rikon amd jig from woodcraft for resawing. Hos has a special blade and some weird guides.
Ive never had any success with trying to rrsaw with a normal bandsaw.