uh er for some stay cats in the garage laundry room....go
That address one of the issues of practical electric energy uses. Anything that produces enough energy (heat, in this case) uses energy. Yes you can heat with batteries, but there either won't be much heat, or batteries won't last long
old phrase: there is no such thing as a free lunch.
Or, follow current popularity, and 2 sq feet of solar panel and you can heat the neighborhood, and sell power back to the grid!
TLDR: sorry, nope. If ya find one for sale, it won't do what you want.
03Panther said:That address one of the issues of practical electric energy uses. Anything that produces enough energy (heat, in this case) uses energy. Yes you can heat with batteries, but there either won't be much heat, or batteries won't last long
old phrase: there is no such thing as a free lunch.
Or, follow current popularity, and 2 sq feet of solar panel and you can heat the neighborhood, and sell power back to the grid!
TLDR: sorry, nope. If ya find one for sale, it won't do what you want.
this is exactly what i thought.....g'night
Laundry room? Why battery powered?
I agree that it's unlikely there's a battery out there with enough energy density to warm a room for any length of time.
If it's a safety thing, you might look at pet warming pads, which it looks like you can get for $20-30 and are made for, well, warming small animals, stray or otherwise. Much like the seats in a Leaf, these are probably the cheapest to run since they warm the cat instead of the room.
I suspect one of those oil-filled radiant heaters would also be quite safe, but I'm now wandering into left field since we don't know why you said battery, so I'm going to knock off now.
Couldn't find one yet, but I wonder if there are any battery powered warming mats, since they would use a lot less energy than heating the room. I mean, there are battery powered heated vests and stuff...
You probably already own a battery powered heater, just take a fully charged car battery and your jumper cables and connect the + to the....well, better not.
~$30 for a 12V heated blanket from W-mart or Amazon, one of 'em says 4A or 48W.
For some quick math: a reasonably sizable 12V AGM car battery is 80-95 Ah (per the label, Group 94 or 49).
So that would run the blanket for 20 hours.
One of the few things I remember from heat transfer class: a person puts out ~60W of heat at normal room temperature.
How about this?? Put this under its sleeping spot to warm it. ThermaCell Heat Packs Hand/Pocket Warmer LARGE.
That links a little long. :0)
Probably want to trap these cats and spay/neuter them, or else kill them unless you want a lot more of them around.
In any case, you definitely do not need any kind of heater in Texas. We had strays outside my inlaws house. They all made it through multiple winters unscathed with just our DIY cat shelters, including some polar vortex -20 days. This is in Chicago btw.
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