But seriously this is too awesome. R/C airplanes never cease to amaze me.
No. Not just no but HELL no. I will NOT click. From previous experience R/C anything is as addictive as crack and is a damn sight more expensive.
EDIT: Damn it. I did click. That is some kind of cool, but I think I can resist. At least the wing tanks don't leak and leave fire trails like the real thing does.
Curmudgeon wrote: No. Not just no but HELL no. I will NOT click. From previous experience R/C anything is as addictive as crack and is a damn sight more expensive.
I thought the same thing... The whole "Helicopter Cat" thing has been making my brain explode over how much I could screw with the world if I had a whole squadron of r/c critters.
But I did click, and it was cool. Ducted-fans,FTMFW!!!
That is simply stunning and so far beyond my scope of possibilities that I can watch without fear of being drawn in.
My friend recently gave up the racing stuff to pursue R/C aviation. He joined a flying club like the one in the video. Seems pretty cool, I'd like to give it a shot one day.
I want to say that is an old Byron Originals kit. That kit was 2k back in the mid 80's minus the engines. Then you needed a 1k radio to operate it.....
Then heaven forbid if you CRASHED....
With that said, I'll stick to cars.
Whoa..at first I thought it'd be ducted fan, but it sounds like real jet turbines. Then I saw the guy walk behind the thing so close that a real jet would burn his legs.
What the hell are those engines?
Do a search for 3d hobby shop, anything piloted by joe smith or Andrew Jesky. Most pilots can pull off most of the stuff these guys can, but, one trick at a time like level flight into rolling barrier and back level, but these guys are just sublime, the amount of time flying straight and level is only a few seconds more than it takes to take off and land.
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