Going to the movies ranks somewhere between root canal and cleaning gutters for me. So I went to see the latest Tom Cruze movie today, because... married.
You-Tube trailer
Let me save you the $10 bucks. Groundhog Day meets Armageddon.
Whats-her-name was kinda cute however.
I liked Groundhog Day and action movies are always good. This one looks like it isn't too bad at least.
Except that Tom Cruse will run in it. He runs in all his movies and it's always sad to watch.
So he does the same thing every day and the only way out is to die. Basically "Marriage: The Movie"
I'll wait...
(no pun intended...)
I hate the Blowes by me. The movie theater needs some major cleaning. It has a really rank smell to it. Might be everyone wiping their greasy fingers on the seats after eating the wings and fried shrimp snacks they sell.......
Last movie I saw was The Lego Movie. After spending that much money we decided Netflix was a great thing.
Yet another Scientology bedtime story. About the only thing with Cruise I intend to see will be Top Gun 2 if that happens.
I have 1 friend interested on the basis of Groundhogs Day+Gears of War.
Wife want to go to the drive in tomorrow night this is one of the movies playing. The other one is Blended the new Adam Sandler movie (Trailer )...It maybe a long night for me.
6/28/14 6:17 a.m.
it's been >30 yrs since I've been in a movie theater 
I wouldn't go see Tom Cruise if he was in my backyard.
6/28/14 7:05 a.m.
I liked it. I didn't love it. But it was better than most other action movies I get dragged to.
914Driver wrote:
I wouldn't go see Tom Cruise if he was in my backyard.
I would but mostly because I think it would make a funny picture with the rest of my lawn gnomes.
914Driver wrote:
I wouldn't go see Tom Cruise if he was in my backyard.
I'd go yell at him to "Get off my GRASS! mutter, mumble, unintelligible curse words..."
6/29/14 12:25 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
I wouldn't go see Tom Cruise if he was in my backyard.
I can't bring myself to hate him, weird as he is in some ways. But watch Day And Knight and see if you still hate him.
Alright we went and saw it and it was okay, not great but not terrible either. The Adam Sandler movie that played first damn near put me to sleep though.
6/29/14 2:26 p.m.
I enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow. Can't agree with his personal views, but Cruise still makes a thoroughly watchable action movie. Oblivion, Collateral, Jack Reacher, and Knight and Day (as previously mentioned) were all decently entertaining popcorn movies, too.
You can do worse than Tom Cruise, even if he can't actually reach the peddles of an F-14.