¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote:
The_Jed wrote:
I like to tinker with my diet kind of like a project car
This is the absolute opposite of me. If your diet is a project car, mine is the daily driver- I don't want to think about it, I don't want to work on it, and I hate dealing with it when I do have to work on it.
https://diy.soylent.com/ + make yourself some bachelor-chow chili for your dinner meals.
One night per week, spend an hour in the kitchen. Hard boil and remove shells from 18 eggs, and package them in zip-loc bags, 2 or 3 per bag. Cut up a block of cheddar, package with the eggs. Fry up a slab of ham and cut it into strips, or fry up a pound of bacon. Package with the eggs. Bam! Breakfasts for the week.
You could simultaneously brown a 2-lb package of ground turkey. Season the berkeley out of it, and smother it with a jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce. Store in small container or zip-loc bags. And Pow! Healthy anchor to your lunch.
Keep a bunch of bananas at work.
12/21/15 4:20 p.m.
In reply to ¯_(ツ)_/¯:
Something just occurred to me after re-reading your original post; do you put anything in your coffee?
If you put cream and sugar in each cup and drink lots of cups, those "empty" calories add up. Also the excess sugar goes straight to the hips.
Doubly so when combined with the fat from the creamer.
Any time I make a change to my macro spread, fats and carbs are kept inversely proportional; I never add one without subtracting the other, otherwise fat storage occurs.
In reply to The_Jed:
Unfortunately, I drink my coffee black- no easy wins there.
In reply to MrJoshua:
Slow improvement is fine by me, I'm not in a hurry but I do know what I'm doing currently isn't sustainable.
Another reason to spread out your meals is so you can be sure when you're having a heart attack...
Coffee or other acidity drinks all day plus a gut bomb of an evening meal can set you up for a lifetime of GERD.
I'm another diet tinkerer. When I'm paying attention it's quite easy to go up or down 15-20lbs. Right now I'm skinny because I'm busy and not paying as much attention as I should.
What I do pay attention to is the structure of the evening meal for the family. Dinner is usually meat and veggies. My kids, my wife, and me when I remember to eat, get as much carbs/sugar from cereal for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. I even out the daily macros for everyone by loading on the meat and veggies. My problem is when I forget to eat lunch, or breakfast and lunch. I'm left with a HUGE plate of veggies and meat and it's damn hard to eat enough of that to fuel me for my activity level, and I lose weight.
This is the big problem I personally have with one meal. It's impossible to eat healthy and get the 2500 or so calories I need at one sitting. In order to be fueled for the next day I need to eat calorie dense crap or go into a calorie deficit. Neither one is a good solution.
When did eating get so complicated? Carbs/calories/fat....Arrgh! I just want something that tastes decent, is cheap, and doesnt require cooking. (open box and heat is ok)
Beer is my downfall. I have been known to use it as a meal replacement.
I like food, and my tendency is to eat way too much of it. However, it's also not uncomon for me to realize it's 4:00 and I haven't eaten lunch yet. I don't eat breakfast beacuse it makes me sleepy. I do love breakfast foods for dinner though :-) .
None of this is advice BTW.
That is nuts. I drink 80oz of water minimum, but usually more like a gallon.
If I drank 650ml of water daily, my pee would be a very dark yellow powder. Also, I'd have the worst migraine ever before the end of the first day and my brain would explode.
One rule of thumb is that you should drink enough water that you have to pee 6-8x per day.
iadr wrote:
volvoclearinghouse wrote:
Eat as many times per day as you can. best thing you can do.
Agree! 43 6'1" under 190lbs. No gym membership, not a member of a sports team. Desk job.
Always carry a quart of water with you. Even if I'm just running to the hardware store, I'll grab my quart. In the half-hour trip, I'll drink the whole thing. I try to drink 3 or 4 quarts of just water each day. You need it.
Every day, before you do anything else, right when you wake up, drink at least 16 ounces of water.
This is nuts. Bearing in mind different climates exist, that is not healthy anywhere I've even visited.
In the Pacific northwest this time of year, that will kill you dead in 3 days. Seriously.
I drink around 400ml to 650ml, max per day- of fruit juice. I drink plain water maybe 2-3 times a year.
Well, that's funny. I've already downed a pint today, before my oatmeal. I've been drinking at least 3 quarts of water a day for several years now. In the summer I'll go through a gallon or more, if I'm outside and sweating a lot. In those cases I'll sometimes mix in some fruit juice, gatorade, or similar so my electrolytes don't plummet. But yeah. 3+ quarts per day. For several years. Not dead yet.
On those rare days when I underhydrate, I've noticed a few things: My pee gets very dark and stinky. I get headaches. And my back and neck bother me. I've been 5'10" and 185lbs since high school, 32 inch waist, and pretty active.
Look at animals. My dog wakes up first thing, and she goes to her water bowl. We keep it filled for her, and she drinks easily a quart per day. A quart of water per day- and she's only about 50 pounds. Animals don't have "diets". They eat what nature tells them to eat.
A lot of yahoo articles are garbage, but this one hits a lot of good points.
12/22/15 6:31 a.m.
Drink a decent sized glass of water as soon as you wake up. Your body needs to rehydrate after not getting any fluids for several hours while you slept. This will also trigger your metabolism to start working very early in your day so that it will continue to burn calories all day long (assuming you're eating appropriately).