In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :
My uncle carried a 20" piece of axe handle anytime he was working with large animals. It had a loop of choke chain attached to the end of it. If you loop that end around a cow's snout and give it a twist, you have complete control of the cow. And worst case you can put a cow on the ground if you smack it between the eyes. He seldom used it, but when it was necessary he had it handy.
In reply to Toyman! :
The snout loop ranks right up there with nose rings or nose pliers for cattle. I always wound up on the nose pliers when it was time to give all the cows their annual shots or ear tags in the cattle chute. A full day of that and I was covered in cow snot, but the cows really settle down once you get the pliers in there and give them some tension.
This is why bull whips and Catahoula Leopard Dogs were invented.
That tool is called a twitch. This is a rope twitch, but the chain is more common.

KyAllroad said:
In reply to Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) :
I grew up on horse farms. Thoroughbreds are kind of a thing here in Kentucky (we have a little race in May for them). My childhood stomping ground of Xalapa farm was the site for some of the scenes in Seabiscuit. So I get horses, it even annoys horse people to know end that I'm a really good rider both without trying and actively disliking the beasts. But horses are Mensa geniuses compared to cows.
My stepfather was a large animal vet for many years specializing in horses. And he was often heard to say that the only good cow was medium rare on a plate.
And yet cows are infinantly smarter than sheep. Sheep are dumb, don't own sheep.
In reply to grover :
You'd have to be a colossal idiot to decide you wanted to get into raising sheep.

A coworker and his brothers raise steaks for a few years. One day he came in and he was still kinda white as a ghost and not right. The night before they were killing the steaks to bring to the butcher and one of them did not want to pass. They were shooting them in the head with a 3030 or something and they had dropped 5 easy one shot. The 6th took 5 shots to the head and they were out of bullets so they had to go in the house to reload. Meanwhile this steak was running around with 5 holes in it's head that squirted with every heartbeat. The 6th shot killed it but it was pretty traumatic.
Not sure what steak tastes like with that much adrenaline in it...