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mtn SuperDork
9/12/10 10:58 a.m.
1988RedT2 wrote: According to the wiki, Yeungling is the second-largest American-owned beer company. Don't know where that leaves PBR. I think I'll pick up a six of PBR to see what all the fuss is about. Gotta be 20 years since I've had one.

Just looked it up... PBR was bought by a Greek businessman sometime this summer, so it is no longer Amurican.

1988RedT2 Reader
9/12/10 10:58 a.m.

I had a Fat Tire and a Carolina Blonde when I went to Atlantic Beach, NC last month. Not bad.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
9/12/10 11:05 a.m.

Pictured in my beer fridge:

  • Tyskie (delicious Russian Pilsner
  • Blue Moon
  • Miller lite
  • Lech
  • Grolsch
  • Miller Chill
  • Coors

Not Pictured - but worth mentioning:

  • Abita Light
  • New Castle
  • Leinenkugel (or however you spell it)
  • Killians Irish Red
  • Honey Brown
  • Dark Horse IPA
EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/12/10 11:13 a.m.

I've been on a Killians Red kick lately, but I like Ying-a-lingas, Molson XXX, Corona, Negra Modelo, Tsing Tao, Red Stripe, Dragon Stout and the occasional Guinness. If it's a cold beer, I'll probably drink it.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
9/12/10 11:24 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote: If it's a cold beer, I'll probably drink it.

this...seriously this

Salanis SuperDork
9/12/10 11:59 a.m.

I believe Michael Jackson (the one who liked beer, not little kids) said something to the effect of: "The only bad beer, is no beer."

tjthom New Reader
9/12/10 12:02 p.m.

I like just about all the craft beers that have been mentioned, and always seem to have Leinies on hand, but I gotta say that sometimes there is just nothing better than a Budweiser. Heavy/Diesel/not light.

Jay_W HalfDork
9/12/10 12:04 p.m.

Seattle has crap for sports teams but we rock in the beer department. Try and find anything, anything at all, from Hale's. And if you can get thier Moss Bay Extra, you'll be in heaven...

EvanB GRM+ Memberand Dork
9/12/10 1:16 p.m.
Salanis wrote:
EvanB wrote: I am a hoppy beer drinker so my recommendations are mostly IPAs. Pretty much anything Stone brews Dogfish Head 60 and 90 min IPA, MIdas Touch is also good but very different Bells Twohearted or Oberon is a decent wheat I usually don't enjoy wheat beers but Lagunitas Sumtin Sumtin Ale is quite good. I also tried Chupa Chupacabras Pale Ale for the first time tonight and it was good, especially for being a Mexican brew.
How bout some Pliny the Elder? There's a place near here that has it on tap!

I wish, I can't find it anywhere near me here in Ohio.

orphancars Reader
9/12/10 1:33 p.m.

Blue Moon + frozen orange wedge. A foodie friend (he's a high end caterer) recommended it. All I have been drinking this summer......

Side note: Prior to this summer I was almost exclusively drinking non-beers ( 'ritas, vodka and lemonade, vodka and anything ). I started getting serious about my health and doing a lot of cycling. Been doing ~100+ miles a week with the goal of doing the hotter n hell 100. I noticed that with the increase in exercise my taste for hard liquor all but disappeared (I think I've had maybe 2 or 3 'ritas the entire summer), but beer seems, well, just damn like the right thing to do. Anybody else with similar experience?

I did a little 60 mile organized ride yesterday, finished in a little over 3 hours, came home, had a homemade chicken salad sammich, washed down with the aforementioned blue moon + orange wedge........'twas the perfect post-ride lunch!

Back to your normally scheduled programme.....

4cylndrfury SuperDork
9/12/10 1:58 p.m.

yep - there is really no substitute after some hard work than a cold beer. Ive never gotten back in from yardwork or a bike ride or fixing the garage door etc and said "ya know wut? I could really go for a southern comfort and lime on the rocks!" (as delicious as that is)...but I will crush 2 Miller Chills in as many minutes easy.

Salanis SuperDork
9/12/10 2:54 p.m.

Given the OP's taste for lagers, check out Gordon Biersch. Their Märzen is quite good.

Try MacTarnahan's Amber Ale as a superior alternative to Fat Tire or Killian's Red for not much price difference. I believe you can find it at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.

Try Hoegaarden as a vastly superior beer to Blue Moon and a moderate price bump. Pretty much any true Belgian Blanche (or White) will leave Blue Moon in the dust. Also fairly commonly available.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
9/12/10 3:31 p.m.
Salanis wrote: Try Hoegaarden as a vastly superior beer to Blue Moon and a moderate price bump. Pretty much any true Belgian Blanche (or White) will leave Blue Moon in the dust. Also fairly commonly available.

Id call HG a good substitute, but I wouldnt necessarily say it blows it away, just a fine alternative. Now there are Belgian whites that are vastly superior, but their price tags are as well...

Salanis SuperDork
9/12/10 3:44 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
Salanis wrote: Try Hoegaarden as a vastly superior beer to Blue Moon and a moderate price bump. Pretty much any true Belgian Blanche (or White) will leave Blue Moon in the dust. Also fairly commonly available.
Id call HG a good substitute, but I wouldnt necessarily say it blows it away, just a fine alternative. Now there are Belgian whites that are vastly superior, but their price tags are as well...

Fair enough. I still say if you're a Blue Moon fan, give Hoegaarden a try.

I consider Blue Moon a passable approximation of a Belgian white, and Hoegaarden is a proper example that can be found without too much difficulty. Yes, there are other Belgian whites that are quite good examples but tend to ship in such low quantities that the price gets a big increase. Calling it superior is not so much in praise of Hoegaarden, but in critique of Blue Moon. I'm perfectly happy drinking a Blue Moon though, I just don't buy packs of it when there are alternatives. Oh, and I really don't like any of the other "Blue Moon" seasonals.

Doesn't Unibrau (brewers of Maudite and La Fin du Monde) have a white ale? I haven't tried it, but their other beers are excellent. I believe I've seen it at Trader Joe's.

Grtechguy SuperDork
9/12/10 3:49 p.m.

here in the miwest we have Oberon (similar to Blue Moon, only better), it's from Bells

Killians is good. JW Dundee Honey Brown. Recently tried a "Tabby Porter", Highly recommended if you enjoy black chocolaty beers. Arcadia Ales Cereal Killer is an incredible oatmeal stout.

Although, I've been on a Leinenkugels oktoberfest kick lately.

grimmelshanks HalfDork
9/12/10 5:39 p.m.
orphancars wrote: Blue Moon + frozen orange wedge. A foodie friend (he's a high end caterer) recommended it. All I have been drinking this summer...... Side note: Prior to this summer I was almost exclusively drinking non-beers ( 'ritas, vodka and lemonade, vodka and anything ). I started getting serious about my health and doing a lot of cycling. Been doing ~100+ miles a week with the goal of doing the hotter n hell 100. I noticed that with the increase in exercise my taste for hard liquor all but disappeared (I think I've had maybe 2 or 3 'ritas the entire summer), but beer seems, well, just damn like the right thing to do. Anybody else with similar experience? I did a little 60 mile organized ride yesterday, finished in a little over 3 hours, came home, had a homemade chicken salad sammich, washed down with the aforementioned blue moon + orange wedge........'twas the perfect post-ride lunch! Back to your normally scheduled programme.....

im also pretty into cycling, ive done four lokos while riding before. i wouldnt recommend it

grimmelshanks HalfDork
9/12/10 5:45 p.m.

oh yeah, salanis, ive had gordon biersch and enjoyed it

DeadSkunk Reader
9/12/10 5:48 p.m.

The beer of choice for my hockey team (in Michigan) is Labatt Blue. Suits me just fine, sine I'm a transplanted Canadian. When out for dinner a St. Pauli Girl works nicely,too, and there's Coors in the garage fridge.

ignorant SuperDork
9/12/10 6:26 p.m.

Brooklyn pennant ale

I want to try the tumbler next.

96DXCivic SuperDork
9/12/10 6:58 p.m.

I love Rickard's (any of them but esp the White Lager), any of the Unibroues, Abita Purple Haze, Dixie and Harviestoun Old Engine Oil. For beers you can find pretty much any where I like Corona (during the summer and spring), Killians and PBR. Although I will drink plenty of Colt 45 if I am broke and very thirsty.

failboat New Reader
9/12/10 7:05 p.m.

i like good beer as much as the next guy, but i like to take down a few on the weekdays and a few more on the weekend without it filling me up, usually i have to go with something lighter, pbr or miller lite. (also way more affordable)

i really enjoyed kona pipeline porter when I could get it at the local harris teeter but havent seen it for a few months. also a big fan of many flying dog and victory brand beers. flying dog gonzo imperial porter is incredible if you can find it. its only sold in 4 packs.

neon4891 SuperDork
9/12/10 7:14 p.m.

Tonight is Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale, from Michelob.

OK, but in terms of "pumpkin", weakest I have tried

rl48mini New Reader
9/12/10 7:32 p.m.


92dxman HalfDork
9/12/10 9:24 p.m.

I had a bottle of Goose Island Honkers Ale earlier tonight and that was a really good mild version of an esb. It wasn't too overpowering and still had a good flavor to it. I just wish it was available here in PA.

Greg Voth
Greg Voth Reader
9/12/10 9:47 p.m.

I thought this was Grassroots not Yuppieroots.

How about some Steele Reserve http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel_Reserve

or even better (worse)

http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1422/20705 ... read the reviews for some humor.

Seriously though if I am looking to get drunk I will have a couple "regular beers" i (i.e. Miller, Bud etc) then one of the aforementioned bad boys and I only drink a couple more the rest of the night. If not it is usually Mich Ultra, Miller or Bud light / whatever is on sale.

I could care less about spending half the cost of a set of tires on beer.

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