Daylan C said:
In reply to jmthunderbirdturbo :
Can I ask why '72? My '87 has plenty of issues and for all intents and purposes is a E36 M3box but it's still a better engineered car than any 1st or 2nd gen F-body ever thought of being. Also the engine bay of a 3rd gen is pretty spacious, especially when compared to a 4th gen.
Its just my general automotive rule of hating everything GM ever made, with the exception of old muscle cars and trucks, of which I have no manufacturer preference, I like em all. 72 is a bit arbitrary, but its a generally accepted "end of the era" of American muscle.
I had two GMs burn me hard, and I will never own another. the first was a 2000 Chevrolet Venture. That van was magical, in that it knew every time I got paid, and how much extra money I had after i paid my bills, then it would kill off a sensor that cost that much exactly. It did this 10 weeks in a row, different sensor every time, and ran my wallet to under 10$ every time. FOR THREE MONTHS. Then, it overheated in Florida in July, at 3 PM, with my wife and 10 week old kids in it, when it was 101 outside. She had to call a friend, he left work to go rescue her, and we had to limp it home on 4 cylinders. I replaced the head gaskets the following evening, and sold it a month later..after I replaced two more sensors...
Then I bought that 08 'burb with that PIECE OF S#17 AFM 5.3L. How GM engineers and executives weren't dragged out of their offices by angry GM owners, beaten and hung in the streets is beyond me. GM -STOLE- the concept for their 327 V8 in the 50s (from AMC, ask Javelin about it), and used the design for 4 decades without any major failures, and then decided in 07, : "hey, lets make this engine, which is as reliable as the sunrise, so inexplicably complicated and convoluted, as reliable a cash loan to a meth head, and sell it to 2 million people!" Then, when it all went to hell, lets IGNORE our customers and avoid a nationwide recall. I discovered in my searching that if you swapped in a 4.8 cam, lifters, valley pan and intake, and flashed out the AFM garbage in the ECM, not only does then engine become gravity reliable, it also makes MORE power, AND GETS BETTER MILEAGE!!!!!! What was the point GM? Huh? Dick your customers to prove we'll buy anything? buy off the government with bullE36 M3 promises and south of the border grade components to make it look like you were trying to make trucks more economical? Or did you just not care at all about any of it, and let some MIT undergrad do whatever the hell he wanted as long as it ran 10 feet beyond the warranty period? I'm not bitter, I promise.