Today's local paper:
A guy brings his pride & joy 2007 Mustang GT in for an oil change. A worker at Jiffy Lube says he adjusted the tire pressure and wants to check the effects on the car's handling. The customer reluctantly gives up the keys. 10 minutes later he gets a call from the cops that his car is wrecked. 
J-Lube management says it's the customer's fault. The customer says wait a minute! I don't know what you do or how you do it, this isn't routine? Jiffy Lube stands by their recently terminated employee and won't pay a dime.
I'm sure you have an opinion....
IF he was on the premises and the car had an open work order the company is responsible for the damage up to and including the full replacement of the vehicle.
Jiffy Lube is liable for hiring that idiot. This is a pretty easy case to win.
He'll never win a case against Jiffy Lube before pissing away the $25-30k purchase price of the car. No-win situation for the customer.
JL knows it.
John Brown wrote:
IF he was on the premises and the car had an open work order the company is responsible for the damage up to and including the full replacement of the vehicle.
Slow down there, turbo. Not necessarily (at least not in SC). If there is a signed repair order authorizing the vehicle to be operated by an employee, it is being operated in a legal manner for purposes of testing and the vehicle is involved in an accident, the dealership and its insurance carrier are NOT liable. BTDT. The owners' insurance is responsible. For that matter, if a vehicle is damaged or destroyed on the premises by weather, fire, flood, theft etc. the dealer is not liable in that case either. BTDT as well.
That's why one of the biggies in an audit is to verify that there is a signed hard copy or night drop envelope for each repair order.
OTOH, if there is no signed repair order and/or the vehicle was being operated by an employee in a non legal manner, it is very possible that the dealer or service facility IS liable. Verbal authorization isn't worth the paper it's written on.
Having said that, from what little I see of this incident it's not real likely that Jiffy Lube can get out of this one.
Xceler8x wrote:
He'll never win a case against Jiffy Lube before pissing away the $25-30k purchase price of the car. No-win situation for the customer.
JL knows it.
He won't pay for it.. His insurance company will pay for the damages then look for JL's insurance company to pay them back...
914Driver wrote:
Today's local paper:
A guy brings his pride & joy 2007 Mustang GT in for an oil change. A worker at Jiffy Lube says he adjusted the tire pressure and wants to check the effects on the car's handling.
Apparently the 1/2 pound of air did free the car up like they say on tv. Perhaps a bit too free. I blame Larry McRenolds.
Is there a way to receive an email notification for when Wally posts?
Wally wrote:
914Driver wrote:
Today's local paper:
A guy brings his pride & joy 2007 Mustang GT in for an oil change. A worker at Jiffy Lube says he adjusted the tire pressure and wants to check the effects on the car's handling.
Apparently the 1/2 pound of air did free the car up like they say on tv. Perhaps a bit too free. I blame Larry McRenolds.
914Driver wrote:
Jiffy Lube stands by their recently terminated employee and won't pay a dime.
If they stand by him, why is he recently terminated?
He was caught bathing in the waste oil
As bad as I feel for the car, this guy has got to be the biggest MORON.
Why are you taking a week old car (your dream car, no less) to Jiffy-Lube? AND letting some punk kid drive off in it with such a lame excuse as that?
Its a tough call but Im leaning toward the too bad for you side.
Why did the idiot owner take a one week old car to a Jiffy Lube? What kind of check-up was he expecting? Hell, even a new Harley doesn't need it's first service until it hits 1000 miles.
Don't know how the laws differ here, but a friend had his motor rebuilt by a shop in town, and on the test drive, the mechanic totaled the car by running it into a drainage ditch. The shop's insurance paid to have the car replaced.
Another friend that owns a shop had an employee drop a car off a lift, not an easy task by the way, and of course, his insurance company had to eat that one too.
Something sounds fishy about the relationship between the car owner and the recently terminated employee.
CrackMonkey wrote:
Why did the idiot owner take a one week old car to a Jiffy Lube? What kind of check-up was he expecting? Hell, even a new Harley doesn't need it's first service until it hits 1000 miles.
I agree, I call shenanigans!
I refuse to believe anyone would be THAT stupid!
ClemSparks wrote:
Something sounds fishy about the relationship between the car owner and the recently terminated employee.
Im guessing he took it up to show to his buddy who works at jiffy lube. Buddy wrecked it and tried to pin it on Jiffy Lube. Paper gets story and internet wildfire starts.
Ding ding ding!
Case closed.
Internet detectives FTW!
(Homer in background: Icecream man!)
Ford Mustang, unsafe at any speed?
The insurance claim will be denied for using aftermarket air.
CrackMonkey wrote:
Why did the idiot owner take a one week old car to a Jiffy Lube? What kind of check-up was he expecting? Hell, even a new Harley doesn't need it's first service until it hits 1000 miles.
The car wasn't new, just new to him.
Wait, that's not funny, I hope this isn't the start of a new trend.
Wally wrote:
CrackMonkey wrote:
Why did the idiot owner take a one week old car to a Jiffy Lube? What kind of check-up was he expecting? Hell, even a new Harley doesn't need it's first service until it hits 1000 miles.
The car wasn't new, just new to him.
Just to comment, while I'm posting this, this thread tited "Bend Over Jiffy lube boy" is right above a thread titled "Talk about sore losers". Am I the only one that finds this ahh.... funny?
So Bob Costas walks into a Jiffy Lube with an obviously underage Chinese "woman" gymnast...