So with the crazy ass weather we are having and the E36 M3ty brick laid path to my garage, has caused water to come into my garage through the side door. It's not a little either, there was at least 3 inches of water on the one side of the garage.
I had to go get a submersible pump to pump the water out from outside the garage.
I got as much water as I could but there is still water. The temperature is going to be below freezing tonight too. Oh and everything is covered in condensation as well due to the warmer temperature with the cold garage floor.

Home Depot. The 18" squeegee is much better than the larger ones.

NSFW language:
What we've learned here is that you need a gallon of WD40, a squeegee, and should use them while running around your garage yelling, "berkeley ME".
i'd be more concerned that you have 3" of water on one side of your garage and none on the other- that means that your floor is at least that much off level... maybe the logical solution is to add 3" of concrete to the one side to make it level, which also means that working on cars is safer because they won't be sitting at an angle when they are 2 feet up in the air...
In reply to novaderrik:
Well there was water on the entire floor. Just where the side door was there was more.
novaderrik wrote:
i'd be more concerned that you have 3" of water on one side of your garage and none on the other- that means that your floor is at least that much off level... maybe the logical solution is to add 3" of concrete to the one side to make it level, which also means that working on cars is safer because they won't be sitting at an angle when they are 2 feet up in the air...
And since you're going through all that trouble, you might as well add a couple of reinforced pads and add a lift to keep the tires dry. Don't forget to coat the new floor with industrial grade epoxy.
Just went outside to check and most of the water dried up, but there is still water next to the side door.