FE Exam (Fundamentals of Engineering). Been studying again for this test. This is not my first time taking this exam. Failed it while being a slacker student and put it off out of self doubt that I could ever pass. 6 years out of school plus some time back in grad school I'm at it again. Been studying (re learning all of the 18 subjects. Close to everything I studied in school. Some subjects I haven't seen in 10 years.
I'm really committed this time and I AM going to pass this damn'd test if it kills me. Baby 2 comes in late August, so I'm studying nearly day and night to get this test taken by late July/Early August. This has been my professional Achilles heel, and I must get this passed before I can even sit for the PE exam. Wish me luck.
Ahhh yes, Ill be taking that next year. What major were you? It sounds like you need it and your PE to advance, did you study civil or something? The FE really isn't necessary for Mech Eng, but Ill probably take it anyway.
Good luck.
I didn't get around to going for my PE license until after I'd been out of school for 20 years. The good thing about that is I had enough work experience that I didn't have to take the FE exam.
The bad thing was I'd had 20 years to forget all that stuff I learned in school, so I had to do a LOT of studying for the PE exam.
I'm civil (geotechnical).
When I take exams, all words lose their meanings.
Best of luck to you. Guessing you can take the PE immediately after passing the FE. It's been almost 20 years since I took my PE but recall thinking at the time it was easier than the FE if that's any consolation.
Is this the new version of the EIT?
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
Is this the new version of the EIT?
I've taken the FE 10 years ago, but if I recall once you pass the FE you become an EIT (engineering in training)
I remember it used to be split into morning/afternoon. The afternoon part you selected the subject, general was easier for me.
Just wait until the PE. 
I used an online based practice test for the FE. Really helped me.
New version is on computer and you can sit for it up to 3 times a year in 2 month increments. They have also eliminated morning vs noon sections. It has now been trimmed to 110 questions vs the old paper version 180 (120 general morning, 60 afternoon).
Once this is done I can sit for the PE in West Virginia in April '15. I have been told by many that the PE is much easier, but I'm not taking anyone's word for it.
5/1/14 10:17 p.m.
"Morning" and "afternoon"? That's cute. The RA (registered architect) exam used to be 4 days long, offered one week a year, and the 4th day was a single 12-hour test where they gave you the brief at 8:00a and you handed in a finished design at 8:00p.

ScreaminE wrote:
I have been told by many that the PE is much easier, but I'm not taking anyone's word for it.
To me, the biggest difference was that the FE was all classroom stuff and most of it you don't actually use after finishing your education (at least as a civil engineer) while the PE was more directly related to your day to day work experience. I don't know anybody that took the FE after graduation and passed on the first try. I know that I wouldn't have passed it without multiple attempts if I didn't take it while still in school. Thank goodness all of our professors were adamant that we should take the FE while in school even if we didn't think we would ever need/want to get a PE...
Best of luck!
In reply to Duke:
Lucky all you had to do was draw a purdy picture. 

Just got the word that I passed! Can't believe it! Was literally in tears over this. I've been wanting to do this for 7 years now.
7/9/14 9:29 a.m.
Congrats! Good job. When do you sit for the PE?
Thanks, sitting in Ohio or WV in April '15 I think. October '14 might be a little too hectic with baby 2 coming in a couple of months. Plus, winter = study time inside.
7/9/14 9:54 a.m.
Congratulations! This is an awesome accomplishment!
Woohoo! That's awesome man, congratulations! I am definitely glad I took it while still in school. Did your brain feel like it had turned to mush and poured out your ear afterward?
Duke wrote:
"Morning" and "afternoon"? That's cute. The RA (registered architect) exam used to be 4 days long, offered one week a year, and the 4th day was a single 12-hour test where they gave you the brief at 8:00a and you handed in a finished design at 8:00p.
No, cute is an architect coming into this thread and complaining about a week of arts and crafts 
7/9/14 11:22 a.m.
Great news! Glad you finally have it under your belt. 
Congratulations! I wish I had taken it way back when. I would have no hope of passing it now.
7/9/14 12:22 p.m.
In reply to ScreaminE:
I grew up in WV (Parkersburg). Where in WV are you if you don't mind saying?
7/9/14 12:40 p.m.
Congrats!! When I studied for the PE, I got their study manual and matching practice exam. I had to relearn some of their own idiosyncrasies because that's what will be on the test. I did that practice exam until I new everything by heart. That's my tip to you.