I want an artificial tree this year. Mrs. PMRacing is against it. I have tree allergies and prices are going up. I'd rather spend a bit more once then $150 a year on a tree that gets thrown out after dumping needles all over the floor and making me sneeze my head off. I wouldn't mind a live tree that we plant after, but she is not a pine tree fan...I know.
Anyway, are there any good fake trees out there in the $3-400 range? Is that a realistic price for a good tree? Figure 7ft tall, 3ft diameter would be perfect. I need to get a good one to convince Mrs. PMRacing. Thanks!
Balsam Hill are probably the best, but get expensive quick.
Ok, here is the deal. Every year everybody goes up into their attic and pulls down the artificial tree that has been up there cycling through extreme heat, humidity, and cold for 11 months.
Not surprisingly, the built-in lights don't work. Instead of spending the next two days trying to troubleshoot the issue they just drag it to the curb and buy a new one from Home Depot.
Just keep your eyes peeled on garbage day and pick one that you like, and then spend 20$ on a couple strings of lights instead and call it good. If you're up for it, you can also get a tool for checking the mini-lights and troubleshoot it yourself.
In reply to CrustyRedXpress :
We did that one year with a cheap garage sale tree - but it was one of those $500 trees that had a hundred zip ties to clip off.
Wife spent two evenings restringing then after the 3rd year we tossed figuring we got our $25 out of it.
Pre decorated would be great. Pull it out of the box, set it up and walk away.
Mrs. DX had a fake tree we used for years. Take box out of attic, take tree out of box throw ornaments on for season and back in attic when done. Now with many animals in the house, only tree is a little Charlie Brown esque tree I found at Target for cheap.