I have been spoiled the past few years at school, having access to the newest Photoshop and other Adobe software. Now, all of a sudden, I'm out in the real world again and still need a good photo program but can't afford, well shoes for that matter, but also expensive photo editing software.
What do you cheapskates use, and what do you like/dislike about it?
Irfanview is good. It doesn't have all the features of Photoshop, but it works great for resizing, adjusting color and brightness, etc.
Paint.net is like a Photoshop Lite
10/29/10 7:35 p.m.
Gimp and Ink all you ever need.
I use photoscape these days, it does a nice job for batch editing.
10/30/10 10:56 a.m.
In the past, I used GIMP. For several years, I've been using photoshop. I recently tried using GIMP again, and was frustrated because it didn't work the exact same way as photoshop. If you can get over that bias, GIMP will do what you need.
It's not unlike trying different window managers on a linux system. There are ones that feel very much like windows (gnome, KDE) and ones that feel very different (TWM, FVWM, GNUstep), but a little familiarization time with any of them will make that one start to feel intuitive. I know that if I spent more time with GIMP it would be as comfortable for me as photoshop is now.
10/30/10 11:04 a.m.
Free trial version of Photoshop. It is a full version. Maybe pick up an older version on the cheap
I use picasa for minor stuff. It works well.
i continue to hear good things about gimp but never have used it...
for very light stuff picasa does the trick... and now they added/inigrated an online editor for more advanced stuff... it's all I need most of the time... and lets me view and sort my RAW images...
I really like PhotoFiltre for quicky resize/adjustment needs.
Most of the photos at the webpage listing the ~events that I've run~ have been cropped or modified with Gimp. Excellent product.