So my family and I love to camp, bike, hike, canoe/kayak and I made a promise to myself and them we'd do more of it.
The ford expedition I have is ok I guess but I really want a vehicle we can sleep in. We being two adults, two kids , and two dogs. I should say that my initial buy in is 5k and I'd like to spend no more than 5k more in mods and/or repairs. I've narrowed it down to three vehicles that I think could work well , they are:
95+ Toyota Previa
I've read they're built like tanks and handle well. Also like that they come either rwd or awd. The rear seats fold up and off to the side like the honda element rear seats. I'd have to mount a tent to the roof for the adults to sleep in and let the kids/dogs have the van floor.
80's - 90's VW vanagon (westy) w/ non vw motor swap.
I must say that I don't care for VWs but the westys w/ the pop up camper tops are exactly what I'm looking for except that they're VWs. I've heard they require quite a bit of maintenance to keep them on the road. I thought that with a subaru swap they might be reliable. Not sure if it's doable with the budget I have.
95+ Astro van/ Safari
This one is probably the easiest to find and has the best aftermarket/parts available but I've heard they can be unreliable. My sister had a blazer of the same year and it was a turd. I've seen atleast two companies offer pop top conversions for theme and they have plenty of room in side.
From what I've read all can be had in rwd or awd, all get about the same mpg and all have their pros and cons.
I also have plans to build a small trailer to pull behins us that's have racks for bikes, kayak, cooler, grill, kitchen supplies, and a couple batteries and a small propane tank.
The vehicle I choose I would need to use to get to and from work monday thru friday. I only work 6 miles from home so it's not far but because of this I do not want a huge vehicle. Also I'd like to do more camping that is off the beat and path so a truck that can navigate a narrow trail would be best.
Which would you choose and why?
I'd look at full size vans and class B motorhomes. You can find the Class-B RVs super cheap, and running expenses won't be that much different from a Westie or other van.
Besides, you will always be able to find parts for a Ford, or Chevy van no matter where you are in the U.S.
also awesome

Good luck finding one that isn't rusted and runs at any price.
I have looked at this, it is nice.
I had a toyota-based motorhome (note, it wasn't 4x4 like that cool one above).
The problem with them is lack of safe seating. I bolted a couple of old van captain chairs in the back for the kids, but I still didn't feel good about it.
To the OP: I'd love to see your outfitter trailer ideas. I'd like to do something similar someday with an old boat trailer (or whatever comes along cheap).
Easy. We bought this with a Subaru engine for about $7500. I haven't tracked exactly what I've put into it since, but it's almost all been stuff I wanted to do, as opposed to stuff I had to do. Between the new wheels, high-end tires, sway bars, spring spacers in the rear and things like LED interior lights, I've probably got less than $1500 in upgrades. Most of that was the wheels and tires and wasn't really necessary. I think the only fixes I've done has been a bit of work on the shift linkage and replacing a brake light. Oh, and a speedo cable that wasn't actually needed.
Not 4WD, but it'll go all sorts of places.

Sorry guys I failed to mention I need the vehicle to be get me to and from work and also be able to navigate narrow trails. I edited my original post.
Keith wrote:
Easy. We bought this with a Subaru engine for about $7500. I haven't tracked exactly what I've put into it since, but it's almost all been stuff I wanted to do, as opposed to stuff I had to do. Between the new wheels, high-end tires, sway bars, spring spacers in the rear and things like LED interior lights, I've probably got less than $1500 in upgrades. Most of that was the wheels and tires and wasn't really necessary. I think the only fixes I've done has been a bit of work on the shift linkage and replacing a brake light. Oh, and a speedo cable that wasn't actually needed.
Not 4WD, but it'll go all sorts of places.
That's awesome! Are there any threads on this site or another with more details? How do you like the Subaru swap?
The Subaru engine acts like a normal engine. There's not really much to like or dislike about it, it just works. There are no obvious ill effects from the swap and the critter is a happy little thing on the highway. It'll cruise at 70-75 mph at our high altitudes. I think it's even CARB legal.
Westies are getting crazy expensive. You might get really lucky to find one close to 5k, but you might have to travel to get it.
I've been looking...
Save your money and rent a van 
Woody wrote:
Westies are getting crazy expensive. You might get *really* lucky to find one close to 5k, but you might have to travel to get it.
I've been looking...
They're all over the map in terms of price. We bought ours last fall via Craigslist. It was a good deal, but not an unrepeatable deal of the century.
Three options not yet considered:

Karl wins. I just watched someone plunk $20k because they didn't have enough room in the DD for an annual family vacation. You can rent something for 20 or 30 bucks a day.
P71. Not kidding.
Especially with a fully functional clutch-type LSD and the right tires, say some Bridgestone Dueler H/T's.
I spent 3 days at Barber motorsports park in a enteprise rental van could not have been happier . Heat and air work on demand . Plenty of plug ins for invertors and cell phones. Get free refridgerator cardboard for the privacy effect . I have allways used rentals for the perfect no hassle weekend , must do no questions asked events .
not that I would rent a U Haul and trust it .
In reply to poopshovel:
But Karl's missing the point. My intention is not to save money.I have a specific budget and don't mind spending the money. The three vehicles I've chosen were not entirely chosen based on price. I want a designated vehicle set up to be ready to go camping plus the activities we do while camping when we want to go.
In reply to ClemSparks:
I don't have anything drawn up just yet . It's pretty much all still in my head. I Just know what I need it to carry and I want it to be ready to go so I can just hitch it to the van and leave. I've been cruising this thread over at for ideas and inspiration.
I'd hotlink a pic or two but I can't seem to be able to. Scroll down and check out the AstroVan owned by TLow . Thats what I'm wanting out of a vehicle.!-Post-up!/page6
Dank not a big whoop , just try it and get back to me . Enjoy the savings at this point before summer ends . There are plenty of camper vans old depends drivers are getting rid of . Just try the easy no hassle ride . I demand low mileage rental vans with mileage below 10 k .
One thing that sucks with enteprise full cargos no cruise cointrol .
Fullsize vans can do pretty well on rough roads, they are easy to get stuck stopping on loose surfaces though. I have seen beater westys for $2-$3k, but they are usually more like around $10k. What about a land cruiser? Too small?
In reply to Travis_K:
I like the sliding side door that the vans have. Also with the vans there's more floor space for sleeping. I have an expedition so if I wasn't going with a van I'd stick with my expedition.

Next question.
Honestly though, I'd be looking at a full-sized van if you don't need 4x4, or stumble across something like this.
Is there a locker or limited slip that fits the newer ford van axles? I think with that and some good tires they would be pretty good on rough trails.
mguar wrote:
In reply to Woody:
Don't buy now!! You'll pay a premium.. wait until after Halloween prices may be as much as 50% less at that time..
Oh, I don't pay premiums. Nobody buys off season like I buy off season. The second week of December is my favorite time to buy sports cars.
In reply to Osterkraut:
Take out the middle row of seats, leave the back row for kids seating. Dogs chill on the floor. Kids sleep on the floor, dogs sleep outside, adults sleep uprooted in pop up or rooftop tent. The advantage of the previa is the back seats folding up off the floor allowing room for the doggy.