6/15/10 12:22 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
We all know Jesus saves...
apparently he conducts pretty well also...
Reminds me of this:
Anyone remember what this is from? (not a great pic I know)
Is this The Bishop being struck by lightening in the Movie Caddy Shack?
"I dont think the heavy stuff is going to come down for quite some time yet."
6/15/10 1:26 p.m.
More humor related to this topic found elsewhere...

since i was just a young boy - mama always told me not to build a 4 story jesus with coke money - I always just thought she was nuts. Boy was I wrong.
Yeah, thats been the news around work all day today - just a short trip out of Cincy.
Someone needs to photoshop red glowing eyes on the terminator Jesus structure.
I wondered about the huge fireball and then saw this in the linked news story:
The statue was constructed of wood and styrofoam over a steel framework that was anchored in concrete and covered with a fiberglass mat and resin exterior, according to the church. It was slated to undergo renovations this summer.
Oh my my my.........................that WILL burn!!!!
6/15/10 4:09 p.m.
Reminds me of the story of when Ben Franklin invented the lightning rod concept. Churches were always the first to get struck by lightning, because of their steeples, but they balked at installing the rods, because they considered them to be a sacriledge. If a church was struck and burned, it was because the congregation was not pious enough.
Religion vs. Science. An age old conflict.
I LOL'd at the topic of this thread. A lot.
Then I read the article. And LOL'd some more.
He will, They are rebuilding!!!
I suggest they rebuild, better than before with a styrofoam, steel and laid fiberglass "Jesus On a Dinosaur With Wind in his Hair". I think this actual photo of him 6000yrs ago would be perfect.

New Reader
6/15/10 7:13 p.m.
Now if lightning can just strike the stupid blue devil horse out by DIA. It would make this a really good day.
Maybe we can get rid of Pedro too.

This gets better: http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/dayton-news/church-will-rebuild-large-jesus-statue-gets-calls-from-around-the-world-763039.html
Yeah, it's all over the local news. On a more serious note, the news says the statue cost $500,000 to build. You'd think a church could do more constructive things with that kind of money.
I prefer to think of it as Cylon jesus myself.
Not Pedro, how will I know I'm almost to Florida
he was right, we wern't suppose to mess with him...

I'm seriously considering changing my rap name from "Butt Master berkeley" to "Big Butter Jesus."
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I suggest they rebuild, better than before with a styrofoam, steel and laid fiberglass "Jesus On a Dinosaur With Wind in his Hair". I think this actual photo of him 6000yrs ago would be perfect.
Where did this image come from? I need to put my wacky/Psycho sister in law on that church mailing list.
i got my 2 Jesus stickers im waiting to put on my car...

6/16/10 10:52 a.m.
Those who know claim this as proof of divine intervention in the making of the KFC Double Down.