Here's another reason that it torques me to pay taxes just to see the government blow it.
I have zero problem with paying taxes but I do expect them to be handled properly, i.e. for the benefit of US citizens.
You've linked to a home page. I assume this is the latest "green energy" fiasco?
Woops. It works if you right click, 'Copy shortcut', then paste in a new address bar.
Illegals getting big tax refunds. 
For kids who don't even live here.
I claim that same credit and since I have an SSN I have to supply my kid's SSN. Since they don't use an SSN for their return, that means the kids don't either and it just sails on through.
Yeah, I know someone's going to pipe up and say 'but it's only $4 billion out of how much?' and to them I say: multiply this by probably 1,000 other ways people are fleecing the gov't and there's the whole deficit.
Don't forget the "Earned Income Tax Credit."
Having kids shouldn't get you any extra on your taxes anyway.