I got engaged over the long weekend!
Audra and I have been together over 6 years and bought a house together almost 4 years ago so most of our friends are saying "about time!" Wedding in September, GRM-style. We wanted to book Portland Raceway but they won't do weddings. 
Any non-traditional venue ideas for SW Washington?
How about a parking garage? Everyone can bring their "cool" cars.
Under a big top in a park surrounded by Challengers
Oh that would be an awesome party
Congrats for convincing that woman you are a good catch....
Congrats dude!
Chuck and I bought a house and several cars together before we got married. I think in this day and age, sticking together through all of the trials of living together and financial planning that goes with not just entering a mortgage but still having it several years later, shows that you two have what it takes to really have a healthy relationship. I wish you both the best! 
She enables your addiction and even shares a mortgage with you.
Marriage should be a piece o' cake!
6/1/10 7:30 p.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
Congrats for fooling that woman you are a good catch....
fixed that for you
In all seriousness, congratulations to both of you. From everything you've shared of her here she's a hell of a catch!!
Amanda and I will have been together for 7 years in August. We have not yet made the plans, but it is pretty much a done deal.
Thanks everybody! I made the wisecrack that "her" Miata will finally become "our" Miata, and the look I got back tells me that not only will it remain "her" Miata, but that she's driving from the reception 
Is it bad or awesome we're scheduling the date for after the autocross season? Didn't want to miss a race you know...
If you want me to design a dash plaque for your big day, you just let me know
By the way, the wedding is definately a points event 
I realize that it isn't SW Washington, but perhaps you could be the first to get married at ORP? I know they rent the track out for various clubs, etc. ;)
How about Pat's Acres or Pacific Grand Prix?
Heck, I think eloping to Ormond Beach around October might be an excellent idea
Could make the honeymoon the drive back or nip off to the islands from Florida :)
P71 wrote:
Is it bad or awesome we're scheduling the date for after the autocross season? Didn't want to miss a race you know...
It's great!
BTW, a florida honeymoon would let you guys pic up a winter autocross. :)
Congrats! Sucks you guys couldn't get PIR. You just need to figure out how to do an autocross wedding 
Congrats, Hope for continued happiness together!!
How about the LeMay Museum in Tacoma?
6/1/10 9:35 p.m.
I did non traditional. Courthouse wedding, followed by EPIC Halloween party. All my car buddies were there. At one point I was in my tux with the Burger King and a Russian mercenary stuffed into a Golf R32, hooning the PISS out of it on local Wisconsin back roads. (Well, local to where we were). Looked like a car show, and it was MAD fun. Whatever you do, just make sure the fun is YOUR fun, and you're golden.
congrats man! don't know a lot about washington so can't help you there (except for I'll be at San Juan Island soon). Good luck with everything thats very exciting.
p71, that is awesome news and i wish you and mrs. 71 the best!!!
Type Q
6/2/10 12:08 a.m.
When saw the subject line "BIG NEWS", My first thought was "That's what she said." Then I read it and realized it fits better than I imagined.
Convincing my wife to marry me was the smartest thing I have done so far in this life. You sound like you have someone very special. Congratulations.