I generally look at topics like Bigfoot with quite a bit of skepticism...however, I saw something one morning on the way to work about 8-years ago that I've never been able to explain. I've chronicled it here in the past, but here it is again. You guys will appreciate it for the GRM-ness as much as anything. 
It was the winter of '07-'08, but before we actually had any snow...so probably early December-ish. I was working in Indiana at that time, and had a 50-mile one-way commute(plus the time zone difference). I was driving the Miata then(no snow/no salt yet), and running a bit late that day, which put it around 5am Central time - well before dawn.
My entire drive was rural county roads and highways, and about 4 miles from home was a left turn. It is slightly greater than 90*, and has a turn median coming from the other direction. It's all flat, and the crops were out of the field, so it's pretty easy/common to cut the corner and take the short/wrong way around the median. It's rare to see another car there at almost any time of day or night.
As I was setting up for the turn, I caught the silhouette of something just past the apex on the inside. My first thought was a deer, but at that point I was already committed to the turn, so my only option was to take it wider than planned. That put me into the marbles between the two lanes, causing me to oversteer. This whole time I'm looking over my left shoulder expecting to see a deer come darting toward/away from me at any moment.
As the car continued to oversteer, I began to pick out the silhouette again. It was shorter than I realized, only about 3' or 4' tall(although it could have been standing in the ditch, which would have placed it closer to 6' or 7'), almost completely figureless/colorless...and then as my headlights swept around to it, I saw the red glowing eyes looking at me.
I wouldn't ever say I'm a brave man, but I wasn't the least bit scared...until then. I saw no motion from it (whatever it was) - remember, I'm sliding sideways at about 40mph at this point - and it didn't bolt and run, or so much as move.
At that moment, two thoughts crossed my mind almost simultaneously: 1.) Oh yeah, I'd better catch the ass-end of this car. And 2.) I think it's time to GTFO and get my ass to work ASAP!!!
I still don't have a clue what I saw. This was a corner I drove daily for 5-years, and one I've been familiar with my whole life. I stopped on the way home that day and saw no trace of whatever had been there that morning. Was it an otherwise easily identifiable animal in poor lighting? Was it something Bigfoot-esque?? Did the grim reaper want to check out my mad-tyte driving skills???
I have no clue, but eh, whatever...