Binky the Wonder Cat, who was my buddy through some very dark days, died this morning. He was doing his usual silly cat stuff; even before daybreak he meowed to say 'get your lazy ass out of bed and feed me, dammit', waited and meowed at his bowl (he refused to eat until I scratched his head, this has been a twice daily ritual for the last ten years) and then ignored me as always. Standard operating procedure.
Then, while I was checking out the news, he went on the back porch (again as always) and then came racing through the pet door. Again, SOP. He did this a couple of times, then the last time he came through a LOT faster than normal, I heard a bang, a meow and the sound of claws scrabbling on hardwood. I jumped up to see what had happened, found him lying in the hall twitching. As near as I can figure in the process of playing his daily game he broke his poor neck.
E36 M3. E36 M3. E36 M3. I am going to miss the aggravating loveable bastard.
That's horrible. I'm sorry to hear about your cat dying, he sounds like a fun little buddy.
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this Mike. I had never even met the loveable guy and I was fond of him. He has such a mellow look on his face in that pic.
That sucks man. I'm sorry to hear that. 
Mike, so sorry to hear … so sad 
That sucks man..
I'm a big pushover when it comes to critters.
2/2/14 10:21 a.m.
Very very sorry to hear. I've run into similar situations of sudden loss of a pet like that.... And its never easy.
I am so sorry! Losing a cat is terrible. :( Words cannot express the sorrow.
Sorry for your loss. Its never easy.
I just got done burying him, that's probably the hardest thing I've had to do in years. I put him to rest in the part of the back yard where the big coward always liked to watch the squirrels from the safety of his perch on the back porch. He'd meow and hiss at them like he was some kind of a badass but if one got close to the porch he'd go flying inside at wide open throttle, I think that's what happened this morning.
My daughter is heartbroken; he was such a big part of both our lives. I really thought he'd be around for at least another 5 years or so.
That just sucks, sorry for your loss.
2/2/14 11:40 a.m.
So so sorry to hear about that, especially in a buddy you had every reason to expect would be around for years to come. You guys have my sincere condolences; he looks and sounds like he was a great companion.
We had one that died of (we assume) a massive coronary attack after dinner one night. We were sitting around talking to him at the table and suddenly he gave a weird meow, flopped over on his side, and was gone in under a minute. It was devastating - I can only imagine how you feel. My thoguhts are with you.
2/2/14 11:52 a.m.
I'm sorry to hear about your buddy.
Sorry to hear.
My roommate has two cats that have gotten pretty attached to me and me to them. I would be pretty upset if one of them died. Hell, I'm kinda dreading the day I move out, for me and them.
Oh man. I'm so sorry, bud. We had to put our last one down on xmas eve. She was old enough to vote! :(
that is terrible, I am sorry to hear of anybody losing a good friend like that
2/2/14 1:46 p.m.
So, so sorry. What a sad loss. 
So sorry for your loss... 
Having to say goodbye to a four-legged family member is always tough.
Sorry to hear it guy. It's always hard.
Damn, sorry to hear that.

2/2/14 5:16 p.m.
I shall pet Charlie Bukkit AKA Catbutt extra in memory tonight.
Sorry man, loosing pets sucks
My sympathies. We lost one to an enormous tumor this past summer. It was particularly difficult because we had to decide when to put her down. Her breathing got more and more labored over time, though otherwise she seemed OK. Finally, my wife came to me one morning and said "it's time" and we took her to the vet and watched the light go out of her eyes. At least you and your cat didn't have to go through that, though I know it is small comfort.
We just adopted a rescue kitten in the hopes of replacing her, but it just isn't the same.