I picked up a lot of the early Blipshift shirts, but over the past 2 months I haven't found any to my liking.
I feel they are trying to hard to be clever and they lost their early purity and simplicity.
Anybody else care to chime in?
I am hoping they see this thread
The only recent one that I enjoyed enough to purchase was the Walter Rohrl one. It seems to me that most of them are not so clever puns put to (sometimes) over-simplified artwork or cooky mashups that don't always make a whole lot of sense.
Also, there have been like, what, 4 Breaking Bad references now?
My only complaint is high shipping cost as I live in Canada. $23 Tshirts have to be pretty good before I'll pay.
That said, I bought the MVP and "Do you even lift?" shirts recently.
The current one is my all time favorite, I don't own any yet, but emailed the link to SWMBO Santa.
Lego Volvo has ME written all over it.
A lot of the racing specific stuff I don't "get," but I don't follow F1 so all of the Kimi references are lost on me. The Grand Theft Auto, and Breaking Bad stuff do nothing for me, but you can't please everybody.
I always look forward to their new stuff, but have yet to buy anything.
11/1/13 7:23 a.m.
Yeah, I've seen a few I like, but they are at an all-time low. I submitted an idea that I got a lot of good review from folks here but never heard anything from them.
So, my brother-in-law is going to print some for me and I'll eBay them because I do think there's a market (though a small one) for this shirt.
The t-shirt is this
And I'm thinking about vinyl stickers for LS-swapped cars
I'm also trying to figure out a clever way to work LS 3 into a design, maybe Elis Tre(s)???
Yeah, I haven't orderend any in a couple months. I like when they have the dozen or so past designs on sale together.
Yeah I got a half off coupon with my last order when I bought three past designs. It expires today and I wish I'd ordered the Rev matches, even though no one outside our circle would get it. I liked the bro do you lift but didn't buy it because I'm not a 911 fan. If someone wants to order their latest shirt today let me know I'll kick you the coupon.
11/1/13 8:36 a.m.
dyintorace wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
Yeah, I've seen a few I like, but they are at an all-time low. I submitted an idea that I got a lot of good review from folks here but never heard anything from them.
So, my brother-in-law is going to print some for me and I'll eBay them because I do think there's a market (though a small one) for this shirt.
The t-shirt is this
And I'm thinking about vinyl stickers for LS-swapped cars
I'm also trying to figure out a clever way to work LS 3 into a design, maybe Elis Tre(s)???
Love these!
Thanks man! I appreciate that. I think it speaks to more people than the designs I've been seeing the last few months. But I'm biased.