8/17/16 3:57 p.m.
For the last couple of months I've felt pretty beat. I still ride MTB (10-20 miles a week), drink coffee, get 8 hours of sleep and eat decently. I'm not depressed, haven't been had a sore throat or sniffles in the last year. I had a stomach bug earlier this year, and a mild flu that I bounced back from pretty quickly.
I've lost weight since moving to Arizona and I'm far more active. I can more pull-ups today than I could a year ago, though I still can't run worth a damn.
I feel like what I'm lacking is that "go get'em" vigor. When I ride, pushing too hard gives me cramps in my quads, something I've never had in the past. I long for mid-day naps.
Could I have a blood test done that could check for various causes of low energy (Lymes, Valley Fever, Mono, Low-T, etc) or would I need multiple tests all done at different times?
Have the standard cbc, bmp, and thyroid panel done. Go from there.
New Reader
8/17/16 4:04 p.m.
I'm not a doctor, but low iron levels might be a possibility. As far as I know, really easy test.
They can do multiple blood tests from one visit, that's not an issue. I'd say go to the doctor and tell them how you're feeling.
Did you caloric intake increase with your activity level? You might just be low on fuel.
I have a nephew that hiked the Appalachian Trail. When he started he was slim and a vegetarian. After two weeks, he almost quit because of lack of energy. It turned out, his body was desperate for protein and fuel. He added meat back into his diet and upped his caloric intake to over 7000 calories a day. After that change, he felt great and finished the trail without further problem.
You may just be burning more than you are taking in. Great for weight loss, not so great if you need the energy for the work your body is doing.
8/17/16 4:16 p.m.
No issues with food. Still get plenty of carbs and protein.
I doubt low iron is an issues because I'm still eating meat and a ton of spinach. My diet is pretty well balanced.
Already talked with a Doctor. She said that if I'm not feverish or otherwise sick, that a blood test would be the only way to identify something being off unless I could feel a tumor somewhere.
stuart in mn wrote:
They can do multiple blood tests from one visit, that's not an issue. I'd say go to the doctor and tell them how you're feeling.
This. See your doctor for a physical and they'll run multiple blood tests. Low T and low iron are definite possibilities.
How's your stress levels? I suffer from back pain, fatigue, and weakness in my legs constantly. I've been doing some reading on TMS (Tension Myosis Syndrome) in a book my doctor recommended. All those symptoms can be caused by TMS. Somehow it deprives your muscles of oxygen.
In reply to pheller:
Do you take a multi-vitamin?
8/17/16 4:39 p.m.
stuart in mn wrote:
They can do multiple blood tests from one visit, that's not an issue. I'd say go to the doctor and tell them how you're feeling.
So it's just a matter of having the testing people look for certain things, is that right?
They just have a "patient has low energy" test panel? 
What's your daily workout routine? Do you have rest days built in? Might be an issue with having overtrained and just needing a week off?
8/17/16 5:29 p.m.
My first thought was thyroid, but since that has already been suggested, I'll go with my long shot. You say you get 8 hours of sleep a night. How do you feel when you wake up? Rested and rejuevinated or exhausted? If the latter have you had a sleep study? Do you snore? Sleep apnea can give you an overall run down feeling and the desire for mid-day naps.
pheller wrote:
stuart in mn wrote:
They can do multiple blood tests from one visit, that's not an issue. I'd say go to the doctor and tell them how you're feeling.
So it's just a matter of having the testing people look for certain things, is that right?
They just have a "patient has low energy" test panel?
Well, the doctor has to schedule the tests they want run, and then you go down to the blood lab and they draw as much blood as is required to run all the tests. Once they stick the needle in your arm they can load up multiple vials in a few seconds.
Not medical advice!
Have your thyroid checked. Have your hormones checked as well both Test and E2 levels specifically.
You don't happen to have a craving to chew ice do you? Common indicator for iron deficiency anemia.
Its good that you are so active still, if you are anemic you dont have it bad yet. The constant tiredness/fatugue probably means something is up though.
I had it pretty bad last year and I would get winded just walking down the driveway to the mailbox and back.
8/18/16 11:28 a.m.
Not anemic. This isn't a diet thing because my diet hasn't changed.
Thyroid and Sleep Apnea are probably two things that should have checked. Sleep Apnea because I'm at higher elevation and I already snore.
8/18/16 11:41 a.m.
How long have you been living in the new spot? Could it be adjusting to an altitude difference?
Going out WAY on a limb- desert fever. My mom got that once visiting Arizona- she was told that it's the dirt, and it saps the energy level pretty badly. Took her over a year to fully recover (but she was in her 60's at the time).
8/18/16 12:08 p.m.
Could be that as well.
When I first moved to town at 7000' I felt pretty good. Wife even commented that my snoring had kinda subsided a little bit. Now she says a year later its worse than she remembers.
What's puzzling is how last summer I felt pretty energetic and chipper after work or during the day. On the weekends I was raring to go.
Now on the weekends all I want to do is take mid-day naps.
I wonder if it could be a combination of Valley Fever mixed with mild apnea. Lack of oxygen mixed with decreased lung function exacerbating my apnea...
8/18/16 12:21 p.m.
pheller wrote:
Lack of oxygen mixed with decreased lung function exacerbating my apnea...
My total and complete lack of medical knowledge says you might be on the right track here.
8/18/16 1:47 p.m.
I was feeling similarly for several months. Constant fatigue- felt like I wasn't getting much oxygen when I inhaled. Finally got a complete blood work up.
They found my testosterone level was normal, but lower than most men function well with. I started hormone therapy about 3 weeks ago. Felt better the first day, and haven't felt fatigued since.
Plus, there are side benefits. 
I found a while back that eating dairy made me feel lethargic. Cut dairy out for a while and felt great.
For the past several months I have had the energy of a run-down battery. Found the other day that if I forewent sugary food, the energy came back. No more cookies, no more danishes, cut down heavily on the soft drinks. We'll see how that goes.
8/18/16 7:58 p.m.
In reply to iadr:
That's good to know, but completely contrary to what the doctors have explained to me- yes, we discussed that question in depth. In fact, he said the opposite- that it can jump start natural production.
Perhaps you and I are dealing with different treatments, but I appreciate the heads up. I will research further.
What are your bpm's? Ask your doc about bradycardia and/or enlarged heart aka athletic heart. The later is what I was diagnosed with many years ago.
8/19/16 9:13 a.m.
In reply to iadr:
Yeah, my Doc suggested avoiding the wipe on stuff. He said, You don't want to be rubbing up against your wife with that stuff- she'll start talkIng with a low voice and growing a beard! Lol!
You've got a PM