Anyone using any of the many GPS / Blue tooth tiles or XY Find It units?
Been doing some travel for racing and I'm considering putting a few xy find it units on my stuff, Not real worried as a lock my stuff up tight but we all know people suck so might not be a bad idea. Also thinking of putting on on the trailer just incase.
If you are using them.
1) What Brand?
2) Why that brand?
3) Do you pay monthly fee?
Thanks 44
I use Tile for my wallet, keys, etc. They are Bluetooth, so they must be in range of a Bluetooth device with the Tile App running. This works 60% of the time, you can walk around the house and use your iPhone to locate the lost item. The other 40% you can be standing on the Tile and it will never show up on the app. The latest versions seem to be better, and once located, they give an accurate location on the map of where the tile is so you know to look inside or in the driveway for example.
They also report in continually, so if you left your wallet at work, you will see that listed as the last place it was. Theoretically, if you leave your keys at the mall or movie theater, other Tile users will pick it up with their phones, and unbeknownst to them, they will be reporting it back to you. I have not tested this. If someone steals your tools, they would have to be passing by someone with a Tile App running within Bluetooth range for you to get a ping, which is not likely.