4/26/12 8:31 a.m.
This could be a repost and the video could be a few years old, I really do not know any back-story, but a boating buddy sent me the link and I got a kick out of it.
Ocean too, so that means corrosive salt water.
time to trade that white SUV in... rinse it out, clean it out, and get rid of is ASAP.
My father was a marine mechanic.. so as a kid I spent a lot of time around boatyards. The one nearest my house had a nice cement boatramp that was fairly foolproof.. except that if you went too far, it dropped off 6 feet to the mud.. more than a few cars went too far
4/26/12 8:56 a.m.
Locally, a friend runs the marina boat yard his father left him. Across the river from him the State added a municipal boat launch last year.
I have told him of his chance, the new secret to his success... He should fix a surveillance camera from his property looking directly at the launch. The comedy will be great, especially Memorial Day, 4th July and Labor Day.
America's Funniest Video et-al for winning millions!
definatly set up that camera. Hours and hours and hours of painful viewing pleasure.
Then he needs to make a loop to run at his marina so people can see what they are getting for the money of launching at his place
4/26/12 9:25 a.m.
I used to go down to Black Point Marina in south Dade to watch the drunks try to load their boats after a hot day drinking. Much hilarity ensued. Mostly guys not setting e-brake and truck just went back into 6' of water. Or, heavy boat, car with not enough traction, slippery ramp. There would be a peanut gallery of 20 people, on lawn chairs, watching and applauding. Lots of roaring engines, smoke, and profanity.
aye... the marina my father did a lot of work at back in the 70s had an old army 4x4 that was set up with a lot of weight. It was used specifically to put boats in and out of the water if you wanted to spend a few bucks to have a professional do it for you.
Not many took them up on it.. but a lot of cars went into the drink
4/26/12 9:40 a.m.
For a while we were towing our fishing boat with a crown vic that had Potenzas on it. One particular ramp had a ton of slime on it, we thought that we were going to lose the car. The car was sliding backwards while the parking brake was on and it was in park. It was floored for about 2 minutes before it got out, and that was just with the empty trailer on the launch. I don't remember how we got the boat out of the water.
And you have all heard about the guy who's new boat had no power, and the marina discovered he was motoring around the lake with the trailer still attached underneath.......
4/26/12 12:08 p.m.
We had a fairly new O.P.P. Tahoe go ino the boat launch on Lake Nipissing with the boat and trailer attached to it. The local paper to a pic showing the top of the lightbar poking out of the water.
The error was attributed to a "summer student" failing to engage the parking brake.
NGTD wrote:
The error was attributed to a "summer student" failing to engage the parking brake.
One of the bad things about our automatic only society.. most people never use the parking brake.. and I doubt a great many have never ever used it and some might not even know what or where it is
I had a guy bring in a Rodeo once which had a water line inside the headliner in the back. It seemed his GF was driving while he was loading the Jet Skis back on the trailer, she forgot it was still in reverse... good thing for him there was no big dropoff.
4/26/12 12:24 p.m.
We used to have one of these for launching our boats. Especially since there was such a long flat shelf at the shoreline that you would have had to back the truck 50 yards out into the water, like those yahoos in the video. This thing never even got its belly wet.