Of course fiberglass boats are good. I actually prefer them, but unless you have some personal connection to a specific boat, restoring one is always going to be a poor investment. With the way that boats depreciate, there is always a better financial option out there than tackling a restoration. There are a lot of people trying to sell very good boats for pennies on the dollar. Take advantage of that.
I know this because I was the guy that people were paying to fix their boat.
I used to date the daughter of the owner of Glassmaster Boats. On the wall in the 'rumpus room' in their house was a plaque:
'If God wanted boats to be made of fiberglass, He would have made fiberglass trees'.

Boat arrived yesterday. I'll get some pics today and start a build thread later.
I've got my work cut out for me, that's for sure.
Curmudgeon wrote:
I used to date the daughter of the owner of Glassmaster Boats. On the wall in the 'rumpus room' in their house was a plaque:
'If God wanted boats to be made of fiberglass, He would have made fiberglass trees'.
Now that is what I call some irony.
octavious wrote:
Boat arrived yesterday. I'll get some pics today and start a build thread later.
I've got my work cut out for me, that's for sure.
good work! Mine should be here in a week or two. Need a couple of days off in a row to go to upstate NY and drag it down