sending food to starving people usually doesn't really help, either, since warlords just grab the food and use it to feed their armies and buy support from the starving people... honestly, if an area is prone to famine then the people should just move away and make a life somewhere else. it's kind of what all animals have done since the beginning of life..
In reply to revrico:
That's kind of my opinion as well, we're all doesn't matter that we are self aware, we are still the same savage beasts our individual consciousness has managed to suppress. 
novaderrik wrote:
sending food to starving people usually doesn't really help, either, since warlords just grab the food and use it to feed their armies and buy support from the starving people... honestly, if an area is prone to famine then the people should just move away and make a life somewhere else. it's kind of what all animals have done since the beginning of life..
It's a little like throwing 100 million dollars at Newark's school system.
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
Exactly. It's the same reason I don't feel bad every hurricane season when Billy Bob and his sister/wife are on the news every spring because they trailer blew(or floated) away.. Move out of tornado alley/hurricane target instead of rebuilding every year.
In reply to revrico:
We are a highly adaptive species, but we seem to think we are somehow superior to even nature....
I don't know about you guys, but I'm naming my next boat "Name of Boat" now.
I must be old.. I never got the whole "boaty McBoatface" thing
It should have been Shippy McShipface and everyone required to hold their tounge when they say it.