Maybe it's a test of wills, but the tinworm on the TR4 is taking its toll on my patience. A TR4 was my first sports car, but had to sell it before I really got to enjoy it. I picked up one cheap last December. Haven't had much spare time (maybe 1/2 day a week) and it feels like endless cutting/welding grinding for what may ultimately be a car I don't want - or would rather be working on different projects (dreaming of 5.0 e36s, finishing my 2009 challenge car, cafe bike...).
It's pretty much stripped and gutted at this point. It was heading down the path to vintage racing, but took an income hit this year. I'm thinking of getting it to roller status, squirt some paint and send it on it's way. Even that may take until spring. Part vent, partly looking for thoughts - flip it as is (maybe worth 1500-2000), Primered roller (2500-3500) or paint it up, roll bar/cage, wired/running but not a race rebuild - maybe in the 8000 -10,000 range). What do you think, suck it up and max out the return or bail before I truly hate it.