Strizzo wrote:
now seems there is an incendiary explosion at JFK library.
There is a report from the library director that this was a fire in a mechanical room, not related to the Marathon.
4/15/13 3:29 p.m. is running a live-updated collection of news on this and there's a line about "numerous reports of first responders setting off 'controlled' explosions". What in the world is this about??
What strikes me as odd (and, terrible as it is for those who WERE caught up in it, somewhat fortuitous...) is that this happened when it did- i.e., well after the first finishers were crossing the finish line and there would probably have been a whole lot more in the way of people in the area than an hour and a half after that. If you were aiming for terror and casualties, I'd figure around the initial finish would be the most effective- more media coverage rolling and more people around...
pres589 wrote: is running a live-updated collection of news on this and there's a line about "numerous reports of first responders setting off 'controlled' explosions". What in the world is this about??
"controlled explosions" to destroy/disable other suspicious packages that are being reported. supposedly FD has found two more devices but not yet confirmed.
the JFK library fire is confirmed not related now.
So far, there are 2 confirmed dead and dozens more injured. And those numbers are expected to rise. This is awful. And they found at least 2 more confirmed bombs.
I have a feeling like this isn't over. The details coming in are unbelievable.
more reports of bomb squad detonating two more found explosives.
In reply to Strizzo:
BBC says AP confirms two more devices discovered.
4/15/13 3:42 p.m.
Yeah, bomb near Harvard metro station found.
NY Post reporting FBI statement of 12 dead and 50+ injured.
I hate seeing kids running around with their noses in iPads and smartphones, but its also convenient in this day and age that theres potentially thousands of videos for investigating. Its a slippery slope towards 1984, but hopefully they can find some faces or details in all that footage regarding todays explosions.
definitely messed up.
Being tax day, Patriots day and Marathon area, certainly looks ominous.
Enyar wrote:
mtn wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
You don't need to worry "President Barack Obama was notified about the incident." (from the first link) Not to be callous or even political, but said it as if that meant you shouldn't worry, everything would be OK now.
London is upping security for it's Marathon this weekend. That I understand, but ABC says because of this they've closed Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House. Why?
What is the point of this post? Take your floundering elsewhere.
Tell you what: This is horrible news, and we don't have time to play third grade teacher. If anyone wants to politically flounder, please take it elsewhere.
Thank you.
authorities have identified a suspect who is under guard at Boston Hospital
4/15/13 4:00 p.m.
sachilles wrote:
definitely messed up.
Being tax day, Patriots day and Marathon area, certainly looks ominous.
As I am currently working on my Mass state tax return this thought is not lost on me... I keep on wondering why?
Frantically refreshing facebook in hopes of seeing another friend check in as OK is a maddening exercise.
I currently live on the route of a big race coming up next month. Do I start begging my friends to skip it this year? Can I watch from the street like usual and wave a flag in proud protest against this horrific act or do I hide inside my condo like a frightened turtle? The chilling effect of something like this is a frustrating conundrum...
I know I am rambling, but I literally feel sickened...
Oh, man. Just heard about this. What kind of sick twisted individual would do this?
4/15/13 4:06 p.m.
Our local TV news has video of the 1rst explosion
I have friends that run marathons all the time...
Strizzo wrote:
now seems there is an incendiary explosion at JFK library.
Crazy, my school practically shares a lawn with that. At least it's a holiday so all UMass stuff is closed in that county.
FBI and MSP issued a stop and detain order for a yellow Penske truck reportedly en route to the hospital.
Authorities are taking no chances.
Not over reacting, hope this isn't what it sounds like.
Cellphone service has been shut down in the Boston area "to prevent any potential remote detonations of explosives."
Curmudgeon wrote:
Oh, man. Just heard about this. What kind of sick twisted individual would do this?
My first thought was... Patriot's Day in MA... home of the Revolutionary War kickoff... new McVeigh?
But, just heard they have a Saudi in custody so ... I guess the feds won't be calling me for my keen crime solving acumen.
I'm trying my best to avoid the news channels for a few hrs until they have more facts. Too much speculation from people with vested interests in one political philosophy or another.
No thanks.

SWMBO had today off so she wasn't in Boston thank God. I'm just outside Boston and there has been a constant stream of emergency vehicles heading in to the city.
4/15/13 4:21 p.m.
Two bombs at the marathon, a bomb at the JFK Library, this sounds like more than a single guy from the Middle East, working alone. Call it a hunch.
I think it's more likely to end up being a case of domestic terrorism rather then a foreign one.
Also the explosion I saw on TV replays looked more like a gun/black power type of explosion. The white smoke and the flame/flash looks typical of that type. It doesn't look anything like a "high" explosive detonation
From what I saw, pretty substantial explosions for anything "backpack sized". I'm guessing this is going to turn out to be a high yield explosive like C4. Given the number of devices they are finding, I'm guessing some sort of organized, multi actor/cell based terror plot.
Jerry wrote:
Our local TV news has video of the 1rst explosion
I have friends that run marathons all the time...
It catches the second explosion 23 seconds later (sound only).