A few months ago, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fortunately, it was found early and surgery appears to have removed it all.
She shared an article with me about a new test that screens patients to determine their suitability for chemotherapy. My sister fit the "one in three" parameter of those whose course of treatment could be modified to avoid extensive chemotherapy.
While my expertise in the area of cancer research is minimal, please share this information with anyone who may benefit from it.
"It is a first step," said Dr. Howard Hochster, colon cancer chief at New York University and a member of the oncology group's program committee that chose the study for presentation at the meeting.
"Perhaps it's going to be most helpful in saying who does not need chemotherapy," he said.
Breast cancer article: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-12-13-1723204226_x.htm
Colon cancer article: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/discoveries/2009-05-15-colon-cancer_N.htm