So I have 2 friends who are separated and have filed. Things have gotten nasty in the past few weeks between them and it's tough seeing it get ugly as neither is a bad person, no abuse, addiction, cheating or violence on either side. Mainly a vice of over indulging on spending tons on children's activities, think over 15k annually on sports activities for them by one and the other collects boats like some of us collect sub $3500 cars.
So while separated one of the parties picked up a v12 AMG with a mountain of deferred maintenance for a song as bait, knowing that papers were going to be filed. It's strange when you get a call from a friend that they've received the divorce papers and the the other party as has for the Benz and they couldn't be happier as their plan all along was to have them go for the car, ignore 3 of the boats and end up in financial ruin from the benz.
Sad to see them split, but their level of evil could get highly entertaining.
That's pretty solid. Not Mick Jagger levels of evil, but pretty darn good
That is diabolical. And I'm ashamed to say that I'm not above that.
I like this guy already. Does he have a newsletter?
That's way cooler than chainsawing the house in half.
I wish I'd thought of that!
Smart investment when heading for ugly divorce town is a backhoe and bag of lime. Widower sounds soo much better than "divorced dad".
In reply to KyAllroad:
Most of the stuff sold as "lime" will actually preserve the body more than anything, you want lye for that, or a pig farm.
In reply to BrokenYugo:
Good to know. Too late for me but someone out there may learn something useful. 
BrokenYugo wrote:
In reply to KyAllroad:
Most of the stuff sold as "lime" will actually preserve the body more than anything, you want lye for that, or a pig farm.
Beware the man who keeps a pig farm
BrokenYugo wrote:
In reply to KyAllroad:
Most of the stuff sold as "lime" will actually preserve the body more than anything, you want lye for that, or a pig farm.
Looks like I have about... 30 gallons of caustic soda (lye) solution. Pretty sure I have a 5 gallon pail of powder as an emergency backup supply.

5/16/16 7:32 p.m.
Torture by old Mercedes is an inventive solution to this problem...
LOL - I had a friend fiugure out that none of the financial folks doing the divorce looked at the Mortgage Escrow accounts. He knew it was getting bad and that she had no intention of taking custody of the kids so he plowed tons of $ into the Mortgage Escrow account over a period of two years while he collected pictures of her cheating via a Private Investigator...
joey48442 wrote:
BrokenYugo wrote:
In reply to KyAllroad:
Most of the stuff sold as "lime" will actually preserve the body more than anything, you want lye for that, or a pig farm.
Beware the man who keeps a pig farm
Rumor I heard was that my ex-wife married a pig farmer.
5/16/16 7:36 p.m.
Heh. Mine got the blown up mini and a dead corolla.
I don't really understand the original post but from the comments he is being cheered for berkeleying her over financially, and that part of the reason for the breakup was she spent too much on the kids?
Am I up to speed?
THIS... is how one trolls.
"Troll" in its true sense, meaning to lay out bait that your mark will go for.
Sorry, but I am not jumping on the "she got what she was coming to her" brigade. I don't call that trolling. You all can be on his side and I'll be on her side.
My ex got our Ford Pinto in our divorce, granted it was 38 years ago. And she's on husband #5 right now. I was #1.
In reply to bearmtnmartin:
I, personally, am not implying right or wrong on anybody's part. I've got far too little information to make that kind of judgement call, and frankly I don't want it since it is none of my business.
However, I can appreciate the maneuver on a technical level. It doesn't matter who did it to who. Whom. Not sure which is approrpriate. Anyway, it was a slick piece of psychological judo.
Yeah, like getting three boats to maintain is the smart financial move here.
In reply to Basil Exposition:
If you are in this life to only make smart financial moves, you are doing it wrong. 
In reply to bearmtnmartin:
It's not just the funds spent on the kids, it's the level of competition they've been pushed into with only 1 of the 3 enjoying it, the travel schedule to cities for meets that the kids only get to see a hotel and gym at. The fact that they're on the road every weekend and have practice 4 nights during the week and never have time as a family unit. I'm not condoning the move, just really impressed with the level of intent and evil without it managing to be a personal vindictive attack. That being said, I'm not sure how long until said attacks are lobbed from both sides. Both are good fairly squeaky clean people though.
BrokenYugo wrote:
In reply to KyAllroad:
Most of the stuff sold as "lime" will actually preserve the body more than anything, you want lye for that, or a pig farm.
What you want is quicklime.
bearmtnmartin wrote:
I don't really understand the original post but from the comments he is being cheered for berkeleying her over financially, and that part of the reason for the breakup was she spent too much on the kids?
Am I up to speed?
Obviously you are not familiar with American divorces where the man typically comes out with absolutely nothing AND gets to pay for her attorney.
I suspect this guys intension is to bait her attorney into going after the Mercedes.