1kris06 wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Long story short: 14 y.o. joy rides grandpas Veloster. Police Chase ensues, so kid cuts through same park twice which is full of kids. Angered parent* takes things into their own hands and rams car with, well, a Ram.
*off duty cop (or so I've read)
It seems like any time there is an event, the media reports the "hero" as an off-duty cop. When there was a fire at work, on a Saturday morning, the local paper claimed it was an off-duty cop that called it in. To the best of my knowledge, I am not a cop, and I called it in. For that matter, neither was the passerby plumber that also called it in. In fact, we didn't see anyone else in the area for 8 minutes.
That truck tried to go gravedigger on that car, almost up and over
quick update to this story that came across the book of faces
Brodozer 2.0 repaired for free
iadr wrote:
ryanty22 wrote:
That truck tried to go gravedigger on that car, almost up and over
Note the blast of exhaust smoke the second before the impact. May well have been in 4x4, too.
Up and over would have been funny.
Note, that repair included $15,000 in upgrades, DAMN
7/7/14 9:11 a.m.
People like to get on causes for whatever reason. Maybe I need to find a kid to steal a car, then smash my ms3 into it on youtube and save a bunch of nuns or something. My turbo seals are shot.
In reply to ryanty22:
The article says "$15,000 of work and upgrades" which make me think that some of that figure is repairs. The article also says that there was $7500 in damages, so figure another $7500 in upgrades.
Hell. That bumper was probably half the upgrade.
bgkast wrote:
In reply to ryanty22:
The article says "$15,000 of work and upgrades" which make me think that some of that figure is repairs. The article also says that there was $7500 in damages, so figure another $7500 in upgrades.
In the video it said 15 grand in upgrades in addition
Why couldn't it have been something other than a Ram Diesel? Jesus H. Christ. The flat-biller asshats who drive these things around with clean beds and unscathed hitch receivers will be making irritating meme pics from this for years.
Why couldn't that kid have been joy-riding in the truck? Or maybe they could have squished some kids between them (okay, okay... just one kid ... who was sick anyway) to slow the internet roll just a bit.