Thankfully (?!?) at work.. so any complications are covered by their insurance. Was loading in Styx into the smaller theatre at the Borgata (The Music Box) and guiding/pulling a heavy roadcase up a steep ramp.
Unfortunately the two guys pushing it gave it a quick shove I was not ready for and the front wheels (it had 6 castors under it, two in "front" two in the middle, and two in the rear) came off the ground as it cleared the top of the ramp faster than I expected and then landed directly on my left foot, grinding the second, third, and fourth two beneath it before attempting to ride up my leg.
Not a fun day.. especially since I had to pee in a cup before the nurse would help me (standard proceedure in a casino) and had already gone to the bathroom before this happened.
I can still walk on it.. but my poor toes are swollen and quite black and blue. Out of work for the rest of the weekend too.
Hope it heals quickly and without much pain, do you still get to see STYX
8/18/11 7:40 p.m.
Sounds like you were just doing your job as a "Blue Collar Man" and now for the next few days you will have "Too Much Time On My Hands".
That must've hurt. Strange policy about the piss test. Hang in there and speedy recovery.
I dislocated a toe a few years back - the worst part was that wood sandal the doctor told me to wear for a week.
8/18/11 8:16 p.m.
Good luck, hope you find some shoes you can wear while the bones heal. I broke one toe in martial arts class (and set the bone myself before finishing the class), that was painful enough. Can't imagine breaking a bunch.
If you don't get something orthopedic/prescription, I found relief wearing Birkenstock sandals. The open toe design kept pressure off the bones and the sole was just rigid enough to keep from flexing too much.
T.J. wrote:
Sounds like you were just doing your job as a "Blue Collar Man" and now for the next few days you will have "Too Much Time On My Hands".
That must've hurt. Strange policy about the piss test. Hang in there and speedy recovery.
Common procedure to eliminate liability. If they find anything, no workers' comp (and usually no insurance, either).
MM, get well soon bro. That kind of stuff is why I got off the road crew and back into Master Control.
What? No pictures?
Hope they heal up swiftly. I jammed three of mine wrestling in high school when I was 95 lbs soaking wet with weights in my pockets. One stopped growing. Its a midget now.
8/18/11 9:53 p.m.
I thought someone owed you money. 
I broke a few toes in soccer. I just taped 'em together and kept playing. They were on my left foot so I just favored my right which is my stronger leg anyway.
In reply to 4eyes:
I would have thought it was the other way around: That Mad Machine owed someone else money. He does work in Atlantic City...

Admit it you were kicking the vending machine that didn't give you your honeybun!
8/18/11 10:14 p.m.
Thread title, "broke a couple of toes today" the "I" is assumed.
If his toes were broken it should have said, "a couple of my toes were broken today", or "broke a couple of my toes today".
Yes I am OCDish.....and I have broken my pinkey-toes a couple of times. LOL
What did the nurse look like? Hotloink?
yes.. the pee test is all about liability. Friend of mine got escorted off the property (not even to her car in the parking lot) when she was discovered to have (legal) drugs in her system. She was not allowed back until she could prove she had a perscriotion for them.
I am ok.. they don't hurt when just sitting here.. but walking is quite uncomfortible. I am wondering what kinds of colours I can get out of these.
Thankfully I think my nails were spared the initial crush
wow.. they are all sorts of black and blue today. Not so tender to the touch, but it still hurts to try to curl them. At least I can wear flipflops
8/19/11 8:32 a.m.
Ouch, man, sorry to hear about that. Not losing the nails will be a plus. I've broken one toe, but never a whole raft of 'em like that. Here's to a speedy recovery.
Split the tip of my right middle finger on the lawn mower Wednesday evening. Ouch. Didn't lose any of it. 6 stitches.
peter wrote:
If you don't get something orthopedic/prescription, I found relief wearing Birkenstock sandals. The open toe design kept pressure off the bones and the sole was just rigid enough to keep from flexing too much.
I'd rather endure the pain than be seen wearing Birkenstocks.
forget your soccer dreams 
Never played soccer/football. I was always more of a rower

8/19/11 2:47 p.m.
Woody wrote:
I'd rather endure the pain than be seen wearing Birkenstocks.
I was in college. A small liberal arts college. I wore them constantly, even in the snowy dead of winter (central New York). I grew out of it. Eventually.