So we were moving into our new house last Sunday. I have a Spitfire parts car in pieces and needed to move it. I put the frame on a flat 4'x8, trailer, when I set the body on top one of the mounting pads had a rusty flange that went thru my glove and into my right index finger. So I went to the doctor Monday for a tetanus shot. Doc says, "Lets take some x-rays to be sure" Now I get a call that says, " you have a foreign object and a hair line fracture in your finger. You need to go to the hand specialist" GREAT I’m still moving in and they will probably have to operate. I’m a watchmaker and work with my hands I don’t have time for this E36 M3.
Anyone else have "foreign objects" removed from their hands? (Not that kind of 'object. Get your mind out of the gutter)
You mean by a doctor or just in general? I've pulled all kinds of thorns and metal bits from my own hands. The best was a staple I shot into my thumb bone. That took some effort to yank out.
porksboy wrote:
I’m a watchmaker and work with my hands I don’t have time for this E36 M3.
You might not have time for it, but as a watchmaker you damn sure can't afford to not get it taken care of.
Bummer on the timing though.
I don't have any personal experiences to draw from on the foreign object side of it, but I do wish you a speedy recovery! 
I meant by the Quack. I've pulled a few pounds of stuff myself over the years. I hope it is done out patient with out knocking me out. I like to watch them put the stiches in my fingers.
9/13/08 7:29 p.m.
Chances are they will just go in after it after they give you a sedative and a local. I like to watch, too. Once I split my head open flipping on a trampoline. Made them set up a mirror so I could see them put the 9 stitches in. They thought I was nuts, I'm sure.
I had a chunk of steel in my eye once. "Don't look at the needle" is one of the hardest things to do when they clamp your eye wide open. I wear safety glasses now even when I sleep.
Last time I had my head sewn shut it was done without any novacain or sedative. I dont react well to pain meds. I asked the dock if I could have a shot or two of Tequila. He didnt see the humor in it. Didnt hurt badly at all.
My mom gets tooth fillings done with out Novacain.
(Dont mess with my mom)
New Reader
9/14/08 4:15 p.m.
I was often told "don't hit two hammers together". Almost 20 years ago, I ignored my dad's advice. I still have a small piece of steel lodged in my upper thigh (it came within 1" of hitting one of the boys).
I was too stupid to have a doctor look at it when it happened. Finally, some doc told me I'd be okay.
Will I set of metal detectors at the airport?

My daughter has 2 pins and 6 screws in her arm and doesn't set off the detectors. Makes me feel safe to know that much metal doesn't set it off.
And it upsets me when the snap on my jeans sets the detector off
carguy123, your daughter probably has titanium hardware. I dont' think that will set off the detectors. They either use stainless or titanium. The titanium does very well in the human body, better than stainless even. Titanium dioxide (which forms immediately on the titanium in oxygen) is virtually non-reactive, or so the titanium hardware salesmen say.
I wouldn't give anyone a sedative for something like a little finger debreedment/stiching. That would be for super wusses or maybe children. Just some 1% plain local shot into the sides of the finger as a nerve block. Whacked many a toenail that way.
Dan G
9/15/08 8:50 a.m.
Got tripped running full speed last week and plowed my shoulder into the ground... 

No way to set it, i just have to walk around in a sling for a few weeks and pop a few vicodin every day. I wake up every morning at 4am when the pill I take before bed wears off.
I'm only a few months healed from a broken wrist, also the right arm. I'm pretty good at typing and driving a stick with my left! GF takes care of the other duties...
I've been a machinist for over 25 years. I can't remember a time I didn't have some kind of scratch, scrape or cut in various stages of healing on my hands. The most used tools in my tool box is a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers.
I've picked many a small chunk of metal etc out of my hide. In fact, last week my right knee had a small red bump like a blood blister which turned out to be a metal shaving about 1/8" long. Damned if I know how it got there.
Had two scary episodes: when I was wire brushing the paint off of the 914, a wire bristle got stuck in my cheek just below the right eye. I wear eyeglasses and always thought they would protect my peepers, I felt the thing ricochet and then stick. I wear 'eyeglass protectors' all the time now.
When I was building the Garage Majal, I was nailing stuff together with a nail gun and had the pressure set a bit too high. The ring shank nail went through 2 2x4's and the tip came out the other side and stuck in my finger. Ow ow OW.
I had to yank my finger off of the nail. The worst part: the stuff I was nailing was treated and some of the preservative they use got in the wound. That crap HURT for weeks and at the same time the finger felt 'dead'. The doc said we just had to wait it out. I am a lot more careful about where I put my hands now.