I believe that it ought to be mandatory that all cars have same height metal bumpers like on the old bumper cars.
It also ought to be legal to punt said cars.
When they come to a dead stop to make a corner you ought to be able to "help" them along.
When they are going too slow you should be able to nudge them to give them the idea to go the speed limit.
When they are swerving all over the road due to texting then one car on either side should be able to bracket them and keep them straight - till way past their exit.
I believe this would do more towards teaching people to drive than any driving class.
You belong in a tree. You're a nut.

Would some of these help? I have to remind myself that if we shot everyone I thought was being an idiot, the population would have dropped tremendously.
6 idiots a day, that's all I need.
I could kill 6 idiots before lunchtime.
how does that same bumper height affect one's ability to lower a car for better looks and/or handling or to jack up a truck for better looks and/or ground clearance?
10/9/12 6:12 a.m.
When I race, bump drafting is pretty common. It's all I can do not to practice it on my daily commute.
OP, I get you even if these others don't.
I feel the same, I just keep it in check. IIRC, Richard Petty got busted several years ago for 'tapping' another car on the Interstate somewhere.
Found it:
In reply to carguy123:
My wife agrees with you. It is scary in the fact she shuttles our kids around with this thought process.
This is why I buy her little CuteUte appliance SUVs and not the Excursion/F-250 she wants.
10/9/12 8:17 a.m.
And people wonder why I want the aforementioned Excursion.
DoctorBlade wrote:
Would some of these help? I have to remind myself that if we shot everyone I thought was being an idiot, the population would have dropped tremendously.
You say that like it would be a bad thing.
At least rush hour would be bearable.
My fiance very badly wants me to build out a car for her to look like the one in Death Race...
Talked to her about getting a P71 with ram bars, her response was "Only if you add the tombstone and a machine gun"

10/9/12 10:37 a.m.
The front mounted guns just end up leaving debris and stranded cars ahead of you - making things worse. Some people should have self-driving cars.
oldtin wrote:
The front mounted guns just end up leaving debris and stranded cars ahead of you - making things worse. Some people should have self-driving cars.
Ahh but which ones and who's to do the deciding??? Now we're getting political!!
I truly believe that if you could SHOW some people the error of their ways they would change. It would be peer pressure in it's truest sense.
So arm the guns with paintballs!
A regular evaluation of the # of paint hits on a car to trigger driver review. That should work.
Apexcarver wrote:
So arm the guns with paintballs!
You'd put your eye out! 
Same concept, positive reinforcement to change behavioral patterns.
I was hoping this thread would be about old bumper cars converted to fairgrounds cruisers or such...I totally want a trio of bumper cars and a pair or more of bumper boats for the "It's awesomely silly" factor.
I would vote for you in November carguy.