<img src="<a href="http://s1106.ph</a
otobucket.com/albums/h369/pilotbraden/?action=view¤t=016.jpg" target="_blank">
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These photos are in reverse order. Yesterday I went to call on a client southwest of Flint. I took the newest saleman with me to show him how to inspect a farm property. We finished and headed back toward home. I told him to keep the camera handy, we might see something interesting. 2 miles later he said "Look over there!". Smoke was just starting to come from the top of a barn. We drove toward the farm and are the first folks to arrive. The farmers and a concrete truck driver are getting the dairy cattle out. I take 2 photos (2nd from bottom) and run over to lend a hand. We block the cattle from running out on the road. We did this for 5-10 minutes. The barns are really burning by this time and we have to get back due to the heat. I did not want to take many photos due to the emotional state of the family. An older woman them showed up and was crying and carrying on. She asked if any of us could take photos for her, the barns were over a hundred years old and always in the same family. So I complied with her request. About 30 minutes after we arrived the first fire truck arrived. We left shortly thereafter. As far as I can tell nobody was burned and all of the cattle got out. Some calves were singed and scorched but seem to be ok.