In reply to bluej:
Lets change the metaphor to the equivalent of a good amateur race car - not a top level pro item. I'm going to ride it with purpose. I might use it on a sunny day - but I'll still be hooked up to Strava and wearing a heart rate monitor.
4/8/16 1:47 p.m.
I'm curious, what differentiates a road bike from a tri bike?
Tri bikes tend to be more aerodynamic and have geometry that focusses on putting the rider in a very forward, low, aerodynamic position. They are less comfortable and efficient climbing or descending steep roads than a garden variety roadbike, but the aero gains add precious second over long solo rides.
I love my orbea. Its a 2012 aqua.
It's a road bike and not a tri bike but I've done duathelons in it. (I don't swim) It just works and I'm not aerodynamic anyways but in over 2000 miles on it I only have done tires and it takes we anywhere I need to go.
Those older Iron Man frames are great looking in all the different colors they came in. 
I'd go for that Bianchi. I've owned a couple and you can't beat them. I can't offer much advice on a road bike. I haven't had in a couple years and have moved onto a cross bike.