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Strike_Zero Dork
11/12/12 11:33 a.m.

In reply to yamaha:

I ran into my fair share of modded controller guys/gals. Rapid firing a Barret .50 cal and MK14 is just stupid IMHO. And don't get me started on the headshot handguns at AR range . . . or the instant run and prone players . . .

I have seen all those except the friend vs foe.

In reply to N Sperlo:

If it sounds like a machine gun without any pauses . . . no

Strike_Zero Dork
11/12/12 11:34 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:

donalson PowerDork
11/12/12 12:02 p.m.

i've been playing WaW for the most part over the last week or 2... been accused of using a modded controller with one of the many semi auto rifles... working on prestiging it (only up to lvl 45... it's slow going trying to find non hacked lobbies)

I can see why some liked bops... it just is a slower paced game for me, my average SPM (score per min) was a good bit lower.... it was my first COD and it was difficult going to mw3... but I wasn't very good when I played it.

only placyed mw2 long enough to prestige... modded lobbies didn't happen THAT often... but I understand why people had a love hate relationship with it... the action was fast paced... but you don't need to mod to to play like a complete BS ahole...

only had a chance to play cod4 for a few hrs before I got into a hacked lobby that sent me to -30,000 points... have to be at 0points to be able to even play the game... but when not in modded lobbies it was fun and I see why it was so popular

anyway... if you're getting it tonight hit me up on XBL mr2donalso99 :) just let me know your a GRMer lol

yamaha Dork
11/12/12 12:16 p.m.

The most fun I have ever had playing MW2 was in a speed glitched lobby(side step flank across the railyard map in 5 seconds)......

It was so much fun ramping off inclines and such, no camping, no quickscoping, just spray and pray.....so fun in fact I ended up playing it for 14hrs straight and called in sick to work.....

MW2 also had "God mode" hacks.......Final Kill Cam, I direct impacted someone with an AT4 rocket in hardcore mode......dude just ran through the explosion and shot me once with a 9mm pistol.......guy finished 23-0. In the week I played MW3, I saw most of the same E36 M3 from CoD4 and MW2.....I just took the game back. Been playing skyrim, new vegas, and forza ever since.

DuctTape&Bondo HalfDork
11/12/12 12:32 p.m.

Niece's dad is doing the midnight thing, I am terrible with the COD games. The rest of the house is still on Halo4, I can at least get a kill or 2 in those games.

donalson PowerDork
11/12/12 4:06 p.m.

did a little halo back in the halo 3 stuff... just so slow paced... never tried BF3... would be intrested but based on what I understand more of the slow paced thing :-/

92CelicaHalfTrac MegaDork
11/12/12 4:15 p.m.
donalson wrote: did a little halo back in the halo 3 stuff... just so slow paced... never tried BF3... would be intrested but based on what I understand more of the slow paced thing :-/

You like Unreal Tournament, don't you.

Grizz SuperDork
11/12/12 4:17 p.m.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
donalson wrote: did a little halo back in the halo 3 stuff... just so slow paced... never tried BF3... would be intrested but based on what I understand more of the slow paced thing :-/
You like Unreal Tournament, don't you.

Who doesn't? Hell, that was the shooter I cut my teeth on.

Rusted_Busted_Spit GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/12/12 4:18 p.m.

He man, UT was the E36 M3.

donalson PowerDork
11/12/12 4:19 p.m.

never played it... looks like fun... oh and for halo... I love the campaign portion... it's the multiplayer that I didn't like lol

BoostedBrandon Dork
11/12/12 6:29 p.m.

I can't do the midnight release thing but I'll probably pick up on black friday.

As far as the games, honestly I enjoy the campaign more than anything, and the storyline of the Modern Warfare games just blows me away. The whole "our own drones are turned against us" scenario really piques my interest. I've always enjoyed the immersement that the story lines of the COD games have provided.

Also, Trent Resnor composed the music for BO2, so that should be really good.

rebelgtp UltraDork
11/12/12 7:56 p.m.

Not gonna hit the midnight thing. I am fairly sure Tiff has already planned on buying it for me for Christmas. Basically I buy very little between Oct and Dec for that very reason.

Guess I will just have to go to the range and shoot for real. Hmm AR and PBR XP sound like fun to take.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo PowerDork
11/12/12 8:53 p.m.

In reply to rebelgtp:

That reminds me... PM sent...

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
11/12/12 9:12 p.m.

The campaign mode of BF3 was awesome. So good I've played it twice. I do enjoy the MW story lines as well.

Speaking of has anyone played the new Medal of Honor?

N Sperlo
N Sperlo PowerDork
11/12/12 9:16 p.m.

I hear Medal of Honor pushed the limits of the systems, but I find that hard to believe. I do believe they cold have pushed them harder than any other 1st person shooter. BF3 wasn't really keeping my attention and I'm still working on it. I do like all the sniping in it.

SyntheticBlinkerFluid UltraDork
11/12/12 9:49 p.m.

I will probably be getting this one for Christmas.

My biggest beef with COD is the online. I think the ranking system should be used to put you in a game that has people close to the same ranking as you, i.e. you're at level 43, then you are put in a game with people between 40 and 49.

I'm tired of getting cut down within 5 secs of spawning.

Grizz SuperDork
11/12/12 9:56 p.m.
DirtyBird222 wrote: Speaking of has anyone played the new Medal of Honor?

I haven't but I've heard it's terrible.

donalson PowerDork
11/12/12 10:11 p.m.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: I will probably be getting this one for Christmas. My biggest beef with COD is the online. I think the ranking system should be used to put you in a game that has people close to the same ranking as you, i.e. you're at level 43, then you are put in a game with people between 40 and 49. I'm tired of getting cut down within 5 secs of spawning.

some of the youtube commentators have talked something about leagues that will do something along those lines... and I know what you mean... when I first started playing COD last year in Dec it was miserable... happy to get 4 kills a game... last few games I played today I didn't drop under 40 kills lol.. gets so much more fun when you get decent lol.

Jay UltraDork
11/13/12 2:36 a.m.

I walked by an electronics shop today and they had a giant billboard up screaming they had "copies in store now!!1" (note: it's already the 13th here in NZ) which they would be happy to sell you for a hundred and twenty-nine berkeleying dollars. I guess they've been learning from the shyster car dealers... It's not really my kind of game (see my rant in the 'consoles' thread) but if I were inclined to buy it, and I saw that, well, I probably wouldn't anymore just on principle. Unbelievable.

yamaha Dork
11/13/12 9:51 a.m.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: I will probably be getting this one for Christmas. My biggest beef with COD is the online. I think the ranking system should be used to put you in a game that has people close to the same ranking as you, i.e. you're at level 43, then you are put in a game with people between 40 and 49. I'm tired of getting cut down within 5 secs of spawning.

that wouldn't work due to prestige and people resetting everything after they max it out......

I've seen max level multiple prestige people get raped by a lvl 1, no prestiege......the levels don't mean a damn thing. Your K/D ratio does mean something.....generally how difficult the people you were playing were.

dculberson SuperDork
11/13/12 10:06 a.m.

Amazon says it should be here today. I should be on after 8pm tonight playing. Xbox live ID is Jadwigga. Heh.

SyntheticBlinkerFluid UltraDork
11/13/12 11:43 a.m.
yamaha wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: I will probably be getting this one for Christmas. My biggest beef with COD is the online. I think the ranking system should be used to put you in a game that has people close to the same ranking as you, i.e. you're at level 43, then you are put in a game with people between 40 and 49. I'm tired of getting cut down within 5 secs of spawning.
that wouldn't work due to prestige and people resetting everything after they max it out...... I've seen max level multiple prestige people get raped by a lvl 1, no prestiege......the levels don't mean a damn thing. Your K/D ratio does mean something.....generally how difficult the people you were playing were.

Leveling up does mean something. It means I can get better weapons and aids. When you're at the bottom of the totem pole, you constantly get raped until you are able to upgrade.

I was still playing BO when MW3 came out. I was level 50+, when I went to my friends house to play MW3, he was only at level 20, (when you play as a guest, you are the same level) and it was like being a noob all over again, getting raped left and right until we built up his level enough to get better weapons, etc.

What I said before about levels playing with levels that are close to them, there wouldn't be any resetting. Once you're prestige, you only play with prestige.

I have also seen low level people do better than higher level people, hell, it happens constantly, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be some structure to the level system. Your K/D ratio doesn't mean squat if you can barely get any kills.

yamaha Dork
11/13/12 11:59 a.m.

K/D ratio is everything, it negates level......it is based on truely how good you are. If you have a 8:1 K/D with a crap ton of kills, you're in too easy of lobbies. If your K/D is 1:8, you're playing against much more difficult lobbies.

The leveling sucks to get certain weapons, but I've always done just fine with the opening stuff.......sometimes those first weapons available are actually some of the best in the game.

donalson PowerDork
11/13/12 1:51 p.m.

k/d is more about how good of a connection you have (compared and tied directly to each generations lag comp settings) and how big of a bitch you can play as. at least for me who plays 90% objective games...

but you're right that about the quality of players in the lobby.

apparently in December bops2 will start up with the leagues... from the looks of it you spend some time in a "try out" my guess is playing against the bots... and then you'll be put in whatever level category fits you... if you WIN you'll move up to the next level, if you just sit killing 100 people a game but don't win the match you stay or move down.

anyway... got it at midnight release and played until I had to take the kids to school this morn... maps are OK, guns are interesting... and i'm still not sure what to think of the pick 10 system... i THINK I like it... it def opens up A LOT of options on load outs...

last night I noticed a lot of insta-deaths (think MW3 on a bad lag day)... I was flickering between 3 bars and 4 with everyone else on a solid 4... also lots of spawn trapping, drop shotting, head glitching, and other BS by full parties... the kill streaks are VERY powerful... far more then mw3 thats for sure.

finally took went to bed and played a few matches just a little bit ago... much smoother (mw3 lag on a good day/game) and was able to get kills without unloading an entire mag into someone and all the full party players are gone...

should be an interesting year

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