I've got this 30 foot long trailer that needs paint; it lived under the California sun long enough to make the paint chalky.
(I already know the hitch is a bit too low.)
White is the preferred color for dissipating heat but I'd like to tart it up a bit.
The truck I tow it with is blue with white trim, so I'm thinking of painting the top 80% white but below the horizontal line blue. That's basic, so what do you think about blue and grey? At the hinge thingie at back, have it turn upward around the fin, paint the fin grey? Blue and red?
The wheels are 4 X 4" X 13", so mags? White, blue, red wheels?
The whole package weighs 1200 lbs. with the plane in it, att 55 it pulls well.
Photoshop me away.

I have nothing to offer other than I love it. 
It kinda looks like a giant schlong, so maybe go with something along those lines? 
3/16/12 7:55 p.m.
Copy the Warbird-themed Miata, both for the truck and the trailer.
I'm thinking a whale or space shuttle are the only possible options here.
Maybe a banana.
Make it look like a submarine? Cruise missile? Land shark?
Just work some of these in there somewhere.

I was thinking belly tank lakester / streamliner:

Here's my crappy MS Paint rendition. I used a light blue instead of copying the color of the truck because it came out gray on Paint. I decided to paint the fenders red to accent the fin.

Carry the white blue white theme on the truck to the trailer.
Paint it like a caterpillar. When it comes out of it's cocoon, it sprouts it's wings.
Best I could come up with, all the good ones were taken.
Or paint all white and add this on both sides.