At work I use a Canon EOS Rebel XSi and a Canon EOS 50D. The lenses are a 70-300mm, 28-135mm, 18-55mm and a 50mm.
My problem is I can't get close ups.
Occasionally I have to document bad welds or other metallographic anomalies and have to get up close and personal; like 1 - 3 inches away. What lens should I buy?
This Canon macro lens is probably the obvious option, but doesn't quite go close enough I guess.
914Driver wrote:
like 1 - 3 inches away. What lens should I buy?
1-3 inches is somewhat relevant... At which focal length? What is the size of the object that you want to fill the frame?
Think about the size of the film plane (or chip) a 1:1 macro will will fill the image with an object the size of the chip. Most zooms with a "Macro" setting won't get you near 1:1. All of the macro's here will get you 1:1.
This one will get you 5:1
another link,
Have you considered getting a cheap high-resolution point-and-click for macro stuff? You can get a 12.1 megapixel anything for less than $150, and they tend to excel at getting ultra-close up shots with the built-in macro modes. My now-old Canon S3IS can take a photo of a bug walking on the lens when it's in super-macro mode. A cheapie point-and click would also put the flash fairly close to the small lens, giving you easier lighting options. And you wouldn't feel bad about sticking it into weird tight places to get closeup shots, unlike an SLR.
Here's an example of the macro mode on my Canon. This is a fragment from a bearing in my Type R transmission, I have taken lots of cool super-close up photos with the camera, the only limiting factor is that the zoom lens on the S3IS blocks the flash when you get closer than about 1.5 inches, so you need alternate light sources in those situations. An even simpler point-and-click would have less of a problem.

Nice, but getting a lens through the bean counters is easier than getting another camera through. 
Even if the camera costs 1/5th what a new lens would? They must be counting crazy beans.
Scott Lear wrote:
They must be counting crazy beans.
It's the Federal Gubbyment.
Oh, then just check the box for one of these, I think they've got one they're not going to be using soon.

Lmao. My wife then proceeds to ask the question.... are they going to auction off the space shuttles when they can't use those anymore?
So what was it that made you Lmao?
The hubble. I've still got a huge book of some of the images that thing took. It's a shame they aren't going to use it anymore.