The boy and I were at an Motorama this past weekend (an event very worth going to btw). Among everything else were some campers, and we found two that struck us as very nice and usable.
With no camper experience to draw on, I'd love to hear what some of you others think of these two and their layouts.
Here's the first one.
We both really liked the way the bed was completely accessable. There is a draw curtain for privacy, and no center wall that always seems in the way. The dining table and side seats are something we both really liked, as compared with the common and very awkward horseshoe setup. The bathroom had a really cool articulated shower curtain rod that let you push it out for maximum space when showering, and then push it in for maximum space when pottying. I know, it's minor, but we both thought it was great. Might find one for our house in fact.
It just seemed to be very open and cheery and usable, especially for a couple.
Here's the second one.
Obviously it's much bigger. And of course I would need a stupid big truck to haul it with.
Great access to the bed. Lots of counter space and room to move around. In fact this bathroom is so big both of us stood in it with maneuvering room. Another dining table and side chairs so it's all accessable and usable (am I missing something, why are so many horseshoed?). The shower had a curved sliding doors that gave lots of room Bathroom doors went all the way down and up (why so many leave a gap at the top or bottom, I don't know). And again with the bright and cheery colors and illumination. Even had the likes of central vacuum cleaner.
So what do you all think about these, primarily from a layout perspective? Are there things I'm not catching that would cause problems?