11/12/22 7:31 p.m.
My TV (a 45" Sony left by a previous roommate) has crapped out. The image is dim and in B&W when playing a DVD but shows color during the startup process. I figured it was a bad DVD player so I bought a new one. No change. My daughter swears she didn't do anything to the settings and I believe her--she just turned it off before she went to bed last night. It was verklempt when she turned it on this morning. I have no other information about the model.
HDMI port and or cable? Swap to different port and if that doesn't do it then swap the cable. The start up process is generated by the TV so it's not affected by a bad port/cable.
That's assuming HDMI. You'll also get weird things hooking up composite to component ports. Been a minute since I've seen that stuff though.
11/12/22 7:45 p.m.
I don't have cable--the DVD player is the only input. Are you thinking it's a bad cable/connection?
Can you set it to any over the air channels and see how they show up? My guess is bad cable or port based on the fact it shows color on startup.
11/12/22 11:04 p.m.
Steve_Jones said:
Can you set it to any over the air channels and see how they show up? My guess is bad cable or port based on the fact it shows color on startup.
Actually, it's a monitor. My bad for having used the incorrect word.
stroker said:
I don't have cable--the DVD player is the only input. Are you thinking it's a bad cable/connection?
You just have one HDMI port? By cable I mean the HDMI cable.
Is it only the issue from the DVD player? can you watch broadcast/stream in color?
11/13/22 11:35 a.m.
Okay, I finally got my act somewhat together. It has two HDMI ports and the problem is the same with both of them. It's a Sony KDL-46S5100 mfg in 2009. It's an LCD screen. The label on the back says it's a television so it must have a signal receiver of some kind but I've never used it. I'm reading the owner's manual to try and figure that out.
Do check the menus and make sure it didn't get into B&W mode somehow, even if it's from someone accidentally operating the remote with their butt or space radiation flipping a bit in the settings storage:
stroker said:
Okay, I finally got my act somewhat together. It has two HDMI ports and the problem is the same with both of them. It's a Sony KDL-46S5100 mfg in 2009. It's an LCD screen. The label on the back says it's a television so it must have a signal receiver of some kind but I've never used it. I'm reading the owner's manual to try and figure that out.
It should just be on the input options on the remote to change it to antenna. But if both inputs are doing that with the DVD player and it's 13 years old, my guess is it's effectively dead.