New Reader
9/7/10 3:31 p.m.

New one and I took our first fun drive together, doing our saturday errands. A couple hours later I got my first honest-to-god smile out of him. Coincidence? I think not.
Based on the comments we got every time we stopped, I'm either the greatest dad on earth or a sociopath.
(Never mind the gaffer tape. Bar is now covered in super classy vinyl.)
You have my support - great Dad :)
And this knocks down one more barrier between my driveway and a Miata.
New Reader
9/7/10 3:55 p.m.
It's easier when there's no passenger side airbag. Reason to get an NA!
Correction: Reason to get a 1.6 NA (for those of us living in Canada and the US).
As opposed to the NB, where you have a switch to turn off the airbag 
New Reader
9/7/10 5:02 p.m.
Keith wrote:
As opposed to the NB, where you have a switch to turn off the airbag
For future reference, what cars have a switch for the baby maiming bag?

No problem now back to the news !
paanta wrote:
Keith wrote:
As opposed to the NB, where you have a switch to turn off the airbag
For future reference, what cars have a switch for the baby maiming bag?
In the case of the Miata, 1998 and later. Dunno about others. On my M5, I probably have to reprogram it with a laptop 
The cops might point out that the kid would still be safer in a car with a backseat, but that's not part of the law.
9/8/10 1:59 p.m.
On my 96, I just pulled the plug to the airbag under the glove box. I would of course have to explain that if anyone ever asked.