6/10/09 1:47 p.m.
slefain wrote:
The only way that will happen is if we can elect a Miata for president.
I heard the Miata wasn't born in this country. I heard the Miata is a shinto. Miata is not a natural born citizen! Sign my online petition to demand Miata original MSO!
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Can we try and move on away from politics again? It seems that just about every thread starts off fine, but somehow ends up with a jibe at either the left/right or rich/poor. I know there are several people who left Corner Carvers and came here just to get away from the excessive political bickering but it's happening here too.
I think rich right wingers should pour their own driveways. 
You see the Miata was conceived in California and is of mixed heritage. Plus the Miata is the CHANGE candidate... doubt me? Joey48842 found $2.00 behind his seat last saturday!
I've found that this is one of the few areas on the interwebs that can have a civilised discussion about politics.
No-on makes you read the off-topic are do they?
Miata wasn't born in this country! I've seen proof on the internet.
Also Miata is PERFORMANCE ORIENTED. I know that is a dirty word, and we don't like to see that in a country that has clearly cushy luxury nation, but you just wait, Miata will start implementing the performance agenda and we all will be FORCED to give up our heated shift levers, power sun visors, electric tilt wheels in the name of performance!!!!!
I would have to say that the political discussions on this board are the most civilized I have seen on line. I am willing to listen to the other side of the argument here. Most of us can have a discussion without reducing it to name calling and personal attacks.
Some of the car threads are political. You can't discuss the Chrysler sale without politics. They go hand in hand.
As long as the discussions are intelligent and the name calling is minimal I will continue to read them. Hearing the other side of an argument is the only way to make a reasonable decision. I don't have to agree with another persons politics to talk cars to him. As long as he is willing to discuss politics in a reasonable manner I'm willing to listen and put in my two cent worth.
Woody wrote:
Tim Baxter wrote:
Seems like a good time to mention it... if you think somebody's being a jerk, you can always click the report [!] button.
...must resist temptation to click report (!) button.....
You're a better man than I...
The problem with trying to stay away from politics is just like during the election period, there's a whole lot of political goings on and they have to deal with car issues. Since this is a car forum it's inevitable.
Other than times when there are political shenanigans you don't seem much political folderol on here.
Per Schroeder wrote:
I usually step in with my jackboots of authority when it gets too annoying.
ahaha... for some ridiculous reason that sounds like a spell from Dungeons and Dragons.
"I cast Jackboots of Authority" +18
Rusty_Rabbit84 wrote:
slefain wrote:
The only way that will happen is if we can elect a Miata for president.
god, wait and see what the smear campaign against the miata will be like...
(For georgia peeps,) Jim Martin Drove a Miata on his way to kill children!
6/10/09 8:44 p.m.
I find this to be a rather refreshing place to discuss politics.
Civil, differing, intelligent views, and when it gets out of hand no one takes it personally if you tell them to shut up and get back out to the garage.
While we may differ politically, we are kindred spirits when it comes to cars, and that makes us respect each other in a different kind of way when we are discussing politics.
Is there a reason you have to read the political threads if you have such an aversion to them?
6/10/09 8:48 p.m.
Some of the people I disagree with the most are the same people with the most real auto knowledge.
Hard to disrespect a guy with that much smarts about something that interests me. So I listen on other subjects as well.
Sure beats a homogenized bunch of [pick your political extreme group]. Hard to learn from anyone when they all think alike and push their own agenda with no differing opinions.
Yup, keep the politics please.
You think there's a lot of politics here? You should see some of the atheist boards I visit. At least you guys (on the left & the right) manage to discuss it without throwing insults around like apes throwing BMW E36.
I avoid it here, since I'm stupid enough to participate in it over there (nothing like being a 'librul' who likes cars, tobacco & guns-you get it from both sides!
), but I don't mind it being here..
Fit_Is_Slo wrote:
Rusty_Rabbit84 wrote:
slefain wrote:
The only way that will happen is if we can elect a Miata for president.
god, wait and see what the smear campaign against the miata will be like...
(For georgia peeps,) Jim Martin Drove a Miata on his way to kill children!
ROFL! A Miata? I know the campaign got rough, but I didn't know Chambliss called the man "gay"...
I'm now ducking and running away.
carguy123 wrote:
Best word in the english language. You sir are the winner. This thread can now be closed
You want a bunch of sourpusses who throw around epithets, go check out the DoO (Difference of Opinion) or Politics pages at (You have to register, apply and be approved by a mod before you can enter or post in DoO.) It makes this board's OT section look like a bunch of angels.
Jensenman wrote:
You want a bunch of sourpusses who throw around epithets, go check out the DoO (Difference of Opinion) or Politics pages at (You have to register, apply and be approved by a mod before you can enter or post in DoO.) It makes this board's OT section look like a bunch of angels. has a section literally called "NSFW"...I'll give you only 8 guesses as to whats going on in there...same thing with the angels bit
I don't usually post much in the political threads but enjoy reading them. Miatas on the other hand, are getting a bit old. I see no reason they should continue to clog the off topic section.
914Driver wrote:
but on the other hand I see Wally got a new avatar for his birthday.
Nice going big guy! Bet if you held it close to your face it would smell like funnel cakes. Go ahead, try it....
He's one of my favorite critters. He made a nice hole on the edge of the swamp, but every morning he sits on my front porch and watches traffic go by unless I'm sitting out there, then he sits on a rock out front.
Wally wrote:
914Driver wrote:
but on the other hand I see Wally got a new avatar for his birthday.
Nice going big guy! Bet if you held it close to your face it would smell like funnel cakes. Go ahead, try it....
He's one of my favorite critters. He made a nice hole on the edge of the swamp, but every morning he sits on my front porch and watches traffic go by unless I'm sitting out there, then he sits on a rock out front.
Maybe once he knows you a little better....
make a politics only forum to keep Them in one room sorta like an a insanisylum .
6/11/09 11:50 a.m.
+1 on the Politics only forum. To me "Off Topic" doesn't mean politics necessarily so I stumble into threads I don't think will be political and they are. I do try and avoid political threads as they typically irritate me. I once started a thread about how it irritated me that politics was pulled into everything (noting the TV movie Andromeda Strain as an example) and it devolved almost immediately into a political right vs left argument and I was labeled as wanting to be blissfully ignorant for simply wanting my TV movie without the obvious political slant. Oh well. I guess I come to a car forum for cars. I don't mind an ancillary political tie in, but sometimes it seems there are those who come here solely to post in the political threads and try and light fires. I'll do my best not to be one of them!