I was a bit disapointed that my Favorite show, Law and Order was going off the air. Then it was announced that they were replacing it with Law and Order LA. No thanks. The thought of Jack McCoy with a fake tan and a bikinin makes me ill. Now I see they'e created Law and Order UK
I don't see how this can even work. With all the cameras and databases they have on that tiny Island of a country I just picture every episode being like this:
Young Man with bad skin and worse teeth walks into Police station: Those bloody bastards stole me car, and me mun was still in it, right from Ed's Fish and Chippery
Detective, a short man with sideburns but little hair in a funny looking hat: "Ok well find them," turns to stunning woman behind him watching TV monitors.
Almost every British show has one good looking woman, and I am fairly certain almost every good looking British woman is on television. Good looking woman says: Is that them, in the blue Renault? We'll turn all the traffic lights red and send someone to pick them up.
Cut to Renault with two baddies and mum waiting for the light to change when the bobbies run up clubs flailing and whistles blowing.
Now off to court where the whole incident is played on tape and the jury (if they even have them) finds them guilty in under a minute. How could you not, it's on TV.
What do they plan on showing the other 50 minutes? They don't even have the benefit of commercial breaks to stretch it out.
I think you're on to something there, Wally. But when they get to the police station, they should make the purps dance and the bobbies can rate the dancing and say mean things to them with a British accent. The good looking Brit woman bobby with large breasts will say nice things even if they can't dance at all.
They could fill the time with incompetent and dysfunctional synthetically perfect Americans with straightened teeth and fake boobs bickering about tedious nonsense hyped by their self-centered and self-righteous nature.
(I say this with a wink and a grin; in humor)
Law & Order L.A. Bah.
May Lennie Briscoe's reannimated corpse eat their brains. (With a lemon Italian ice on the side, of course.)
David S. Wallens wrote:
Law & Order L.A. Bah.
May Lennie Briscoe's reannimated corpse eat their brains. (With a lemon Italian ice on the side, of course.)
Now you are on to something. Law and Order, LA Zombie Squad
shame.. L&O was and is one of the tightest written cop shows around. From the perspective of somebody who went to school for video and does it for a living, their shots, timing, and even the use of handheld camers (for that live "breathing" feel) is just brilliant
I liked how they used real or realistc places too. The police stations were dirty and crowded not like the megabuck high tech places on csi or some of the other detective shows
10/3/10 8:09 p.m.
Yeah- Miami PD does not look like the TV show.
Law & Order has been employing out of work Broadway actors for so long, that they needed to help out other actors. L&O LA and L&O UK help out the out of work Hollywood actors and West End actors, respectively.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/4/10 6:08 a.m.
It would need more Yakety Sax.
Im just wondering when L&O or CSI will go all flux capacitor and investigate crimes in different centuries - I cant think of anything more entertaining than watching David Caradine, dressed in traditional pilgrim garb, investigating a burned corpse on a stake in salem, and, while removing his raybans everso dramatically, saying:
Pilgrim David said:
Her carry-withcet bamboozled the ensign bearer - too bad... *removes glasses* the glib burn-crust would fancy her a glimstick!!!
Pete Townshend said:
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
Sounds like Cold Case made cool