There's the complete letter for those interested and here's what it says:
Pearl Harbor
September 9, 1945
Dear Wife & Boys,
Hello Dear how are you this
Sunday afternoon? And the Boys
Having a big time playing?
Wish I was out in our front
yard romping with them now. It
would limber up my aching bones.
I have walked this boat in slow
motion until I am stiff and my bones
creak when I walk.
Well we are still here. I don’t
know what is wrong that we aren’t
moving on. I am getting tired
of living on this boat, seeing land
and then can’t get off of evenings.
How is our little girl, kicking
hard? Hope you are feeling as well as
could be expected. I know you
can’t feel good at a time like this.
Wish there was some way I could
hear from you once in a while.
But keep writing, then when they
do come, I will have a lot to read.
How are Mom & Dad getting along?
I have managed to get them a letter or
two. But I haven’t written anyone else.
Seems like all I care about hearing
from is you and I don’t get to hear
from you now.
Take good care of yourself
and remember I love you with all
my heart,
Your Hubby
Grandpa was to be part of the Japanese ground force invasion, similar to what the Allies had done at Normandy. That would have been a real meat grinder. Fortunately, a month prior to writing this letter, while he was on a troop transport boat from San Francisco to Pearl Harbor, the US dropped the bombs and he was reassigned to an occupation force. I assume they were waiting for the dust to settle, so to speak, before they sent the troops in. Just a few days after writing this letter, they departed for Sasebo Japan. Grandpa got some shore leave earlier in the year and as a result, my grandmother was 8 months pregnant at the time he wrote this letter. The kicking baby girl he mentions turned out to be my uncle Joe, their fourth son. They tried again in 1948 for a daughter, but ended their careers 5 for 5 - all boys - when my Dad was born. Grandpa died in 2010. I found the letter in his Bible last Saturday while helping my cousin clean the house with the front yard he mentioned. His dad, my uncle, lived there and we had just come home from his funeral. He was one of the romping boys. Time sure does fly by. Thanks for your interest.