My brother-in-law passed away early this morning from a long battle with metastatic melanoma. He was a good man, a wonderful husband to my sister and father to my nephews, an outstanding grandpa and just basically that guy you know who's going to heaven, even if you have doubts about heaven.
He would also want to have some good come of his death, so please, take this as a reminder to wear your sun protection. Find a sunscreen you like and put it on, every day, as part of your after-shower routine; buy a hat you'll willingly keep on your head and do that. Melanoma is both relentless and a chameleon; you don't want to spend the end of your life playing Whac-A-Mole because you didn't protect your moles.
5/16/24 3:14 p.m.
I'm really sorry to hear that, Margie. My thoughts to your families.
Cancer does suck, and really sorry to hear of his passing.
Once a year, I disrobe for the dermatologist for my annual. It’s not painful at all.
As a shade baby that grew up in St. Pete, I have to get stuff burned off my body with Liquid Nitrogen about 4 times a year. Cancer does indeed SUCK! My condolences Margie and my best to your sister and family.
I have three of these SPF 50, vented long sleeves for flying. Very comfy and makes a world of difference. Do the maintenance.
5/16/24 3:58 p.m.
Berk Cancer indeed, lost my boss of the past 10 years this past weekend to throat and lung cancer.
Agreed on the sunscreen, having had over a quater sized chunk taken out of my face via mohs already, do not want more of those.
Sorry to hear.
People ask me why I am so pale every summer. I tell them I am mostly in my shop, but the reality is my mom had a couple of malignant spots removed from her breast bone.
berkeley cancer.
My Mom survived breast and colon cancer, hopefully I inherited her grit.😵💫
There's a Ben Stiller movie where he's on the honeymoon and his bride only uses baby oil in Mexico and burns to a crisp. It's all funny and we laugh but I lived through that baby oil era and now take it seriously.
Sorry to hear about your loss but as summer is approaching thank you for the reminder.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
I have been putting off getting a dermatology referral but this thread put it to the top of my to do pile and I contacted my doctor.
Sorry to hear. My dad had issues from years of exposure as a high school coach. Get checked even if you think it's nbd.
5/16/24 6:17 p.m.
My condolences to you and your family.
Thanks to years of driving convertibles and flying airplanes I have to see the dermatologist once a year to have spots frozen off. It's worth the time to get checked regularly.
In reply to Datsun240ZGuy :
I actually saw this happen live in slow mo as a kid. Girl in my class, her mom would be out starting in April with mirrors tanning. I think my freshman year of college she succumbed to cancer. Sad.
Margie, very sorry for your loss!
Berk cancer
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My mother in law likely has less than a month before cancer claims her. berkeley cancer
5/16/24 7:22 p.m.
I'm very sorry for your family's loss. I just took the sunscreen I bought for my car three weeks ago and actually put it in the car.
I'm sorry to hear this. My sister is a thyroid cancer survivor.
Also need to schedule the butt camera snake. Good reminder.
Very sorry for your loss. Sounds like a good man.
3 MOHs surgeries in the past 6 weeks. Makes about 10 so far. Growing up in South Florida in the 50s and 60s causes me to see my dermatologist about every 3 months now. Working outdoors the last 20 years hasn't helped either.
I live in big floppy hats. Baseball hats just speed up the removal of parts of ears.
5/17/24 8:35 a.m.
Yup, bossette (boss's wife) passed from cancer in November, a Star Wars friend passed about 2 years ago (he helped me get started on my Count Dooku costume), and another discovered he has it a couple months ago.
My mom did a skin cancer thing of some sort a few years ago but it turned out to be benign.
Sorry for your loss, my family is going through a crisis as well, learning that regular checks and taking care of yourself the hard way.
Goodness Marjorie. I'm sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. Cancer sucks bigly.
Growing up an outside child and spending years in cotton, soybean and peanut fields doing research have resulted in my now annual trips to the dermatologist. One squamous cell and basil cell carcinoma have been removed. Also fortunate to have beaten prostate and bladder cancer with just surgeries. As my last boss used to say, growing old isn't for sissies.
I'm so sorry for your loss Margie.
We're dealing with cancer in our family right now as well. My wife's aunt who we're pretty close with has had back trouble and has been sick off and on for the past year or so. She went for a consultation to get back surgery a couple months ago so she'd be ready for a big family vacation we've been planning for a year, and they found that the back problems were a side effect of Multiple Myeloma, a blood/bone marrow cancer. Needless to say, we rallied around her instead of going on vacation this year. It caused her spine to deteriorate and she's suffering from multiple microfractures, which they have been treating with hardening spinal polymer injections between radiation treatments; pretty wild stuff. They have been very aggressive in treatment, and she's been responding well so far. We're all hoping for the best.
Cancer sucks indeed.
I am sorry for your loss Margie. I recently had my MIL pass from cancer. And I agree, cancer can just go to hell and leave people alone.
Sorry Margie. Basal cell carcinoma is what stopped me from autocrossing. Even with spf 100, I would still be beet red after hosting an event. And I had it cut out 12 years ago.