Lost my stepmom this week, and then a good friend today.
Cancer is a bastard.
It is an extremely evil bitch, I hope you and the family's of the affected my condolences and know there are too many of us out there in the same boat with you.
Keep your head up, its what they would want you to do.
Condolences, SVreX.
I've lost two aunts and two uncles over the past few years.
Cancer is a bastard!
Yes, it is. Lost my wife of 19 yrs. Lung cancer. Heavy smoker. Then lost a dear fiend who I had known only a short while with potential, to cancer of the adrenal glands.
You are correct, I lost my Mom one month after my oldest was born 11 years ago. You and your family are in our prayers.
Sorry to hear about your losses Paul. Cancer does indeed suck.
A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with advanced Colon cancer. How she reacted blew me away. She noticed that the waiting room at the Chemo treatment center was a pretty glum place----so she started putting together "goodie" bags for all of the patients waiting. These bags are filled with lotion, teas, candy-- and other things a person going through chemo would appreciate. She's started a group called "Lemons of Love" (when life gives you lemonade....) She says the reactions she gets from the patients when she hands out the bags is amazing. At first they think she's trying to sell them something and are stand-offish. Then they realize it's an act of love and charity--- and the reaction changes to gratitude.
It just amazes me that when faced with something as scary as cancer--- her first thought was to help others. Amazing is too weak a word!
Very sorry to hear about your loss. It doesn't make it any easier when they're that close together either.
Youre right, Cancer IS a bastard...Took my cousin a few years back now, hit his mom, trying to take his grandpa right now, and My Moms best friend and her husband are both battling it right now...
Sorry for your loss Paul, truly
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