20+ foot long two-seater?
Lincoln Town Car underneath.
Totally impractical!
No storage.
Too big to parallel park.
People will gawk.
It's waaaay too expensive.
This is one of the nicest ones I've seen.
Maybe you should take up a collection. 

Dunno why but Auburn replicas are generally head and shoulders above other replica marques in terms of proportion and scale - they're beautiful.
Man, the suit you'd need to drive that and the Thompson SMG for the trunk would be spendy, too....
Saaaaaay. That's not too shabby.
In reply to stroker:
Dang I just sold my Thompson a couple weeks ago to (I actually did sell it at a gun show to make room for new stuff)
I remeber when these cars were "co-stars" on the tv shows Remington Steele and Banachek (sp?). I always wondered, what happened when you got where you were going and had to park this thing? I mean, they are so huge and it's difficult to pinpoint the corners...how do you ever know how close you are to ANYTHING, like a curb? Still, better proof than an 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee that the U.S. knows how to build cars.
Paint it black and get you some spotted puppies. 
Nice, but I would have to extend my garage by 10 feet to get it to fit.
You just need a 10 year old Asian kid to drive you around in it calling you "Docta Jones."
When you were a kid, did you want to be Matt Houston?

I prefer the Auburn replica you linked better than Matt's Excalibur.
11/17/10 8:15 p.m.
Always liked those.You can just see Cooper or Gable or Cagney speeding down Sunset.
The Auburn replica's seem to be well made...but I'd still want to shoehorn a PowerStroke in one.
Didn't Jessica Rabbit drive one?
^ That's hotlink baiting if I ever saw it! 
I believe Breathless Mohoney (Madonna) had one in Dick Tracy.
11/18/10 9:11 a.m.
Rob_Mopar wrote:
When you were a kid, did you want to be Matt Houston?
Only if I could've got a shot at this:

11/18/10 9:23 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
I believe Breathless Mohoney (Madonna) had one in Dick Tracy.
Yep, purple-ish...currently for sale @ 80K.